金妮弗·古德温饰演Gigi刚刚遭遇爱情,她备受“恋爱焦虑症”的折磨,她期待着心爱的男人能够给她电话,但可惜电话一直没有响起。也许你会建议她主动打给男人,但她又认为即使你很喜欢那个男人你也不能表现得太主动;詹妮弗·安妮斯顿饰演的Beth与男友已经爱情长跑多年,无疑她希望能够赶快把自己嫁出去,但谁知男友却认为维持现状未尝不可。斯嘉丽·约翰逊Anna爱上和自己相好多年的好友Ben(布莱德利·库珀 饰),但他们的关系也就仅限于玩暧昧,更重要的是,Ben是詹妮弗·康纳利所饰演Janine的丈夫,只不过两人之间早就已经没有了当初的激情。而德鲁·芭比摩尔饰演的Mary在网上找到了她的新潮爱情,但对于现实中这位心上人到底是谁却毫无头绪。于是大家都一头雾水一边爱着,其实对于女人来说,男人的心也不好懂。
点评:这是部很耐看的电影,你最好不要把她从电脑中删掉,你甚至可以用一生来细细品味她。本阿弗莱克 珍妮弗 巴鲁摩尔 他她们让我们感受到了爱情的美好.
A girl will never forget the first boy she ever likes.
Why did you do that?
Because you smell like dog poo.
Honey, do you know why that little boy did those things? Because he likes you.
That's the beginning of our problem. We're all programmed to believe that if a guy acts like a total jerk, that means he likes you.
Hey, Conor, I haven't heard from you, and I mean, how stupid it is that a gal's got to wait for a guy's call anyway, right? We're all equal, right? Um, more women are accepted into law school now than men. Call me!
He's totally gonna call.
This guy, he MySpaced me.
MySpace is a new booty call.
You know, Anna gave me the old "I'll call you right back”. Should I call back?
Should you call back? No!
I know, I am gonna call back and say I'm going to bed.
What? No.
It's a genius idea!
It’s 9:30.
I just need you to stop being nice to me unless you're gonna marry me.
This feels like a trick.
There are many people who never get married.
Woo!Look at Al Pacino, never been married, happy as a clam.
Would that--? Am I--? Would I be Al Pacino in this scenario?
(You have no messages...)
Were you obsessing, pacing back and forth, staring at you phone for days?
Maybe he lost my number, or he's out of town, or got hit by a cab.
Or maybe he's no interest in seeing you again.
No guy actually wants to get married. And if they do, all they're really thinking about--all the women they're gonna miss out.
I don't wanna be with anybody else. I just wanna be with Beth.
I am married, I don't do this.
What if you meet the love of your life? Are you supposed to let them pass you by?
So we are friends!
You know, you maybe the best friend I've ever had.
[From New Line Cinema comes a comedy about meaning what you say.]
I really got to go to bed though.
Is that an invitation?
[Without saying what you mean.]
Oh, God, that was cheesy!
I have this guy leave me a voice mail at work. So I called him at home. And then he emailed me at my Blackberry. And so I texted it to his cell and now you just have to go around checking all these different portals just to get rejected by seven different technologies. It’sexhausting.