大约7亿年前 地球开始降温。
It was the beginning of an Ice Age.
No one is quire sure why it happened,
but it seems that our entire word was plungedces into an interminable winter.
冰从地球两极不断蔓延 直至将整个世界拖入一个漫长的冰封冬季。
Some scientists have called it the time of snowball Earth.
because the whole planet would appear as an icy ball.
因为当时整个行星 看起来就是一个冰球。
Others believe that the Earth was cold but not completely frozen.
其他一些人认为地球是冷的 但是并没有完全冰冻
Traveler to Jupiter and you can get some idea of what Earth might have looked like.
去木星看看 您对地球当时可能的模样就有些概念
Europa is one of Jupiter's moons.A frozen landscape
that might mirror parts of Earth millions of years ago.
冰冻现象可能是地球 数百万年前的一面镜子
but knowing what earth look like
doesn't convey just how terrible the conditions would have been.
A blizzard, high in the Alps, in mid-winter, is as close as I can get.
冬季阿尔卑斯高处的暴风雪 是我能接触到的与当时最接近的情况