这是盐 水从地中海消失的时候
this was what was left behind. Millions and millions oftons of it.
剩下的就是盐了 上百万,上亿吨So much, in fact, that atthis salt mine in western Sicily,
they're digging out 500,000 tons every year.
And they reckon that they can carry on taking that amount for the next one million years.
而且据分析在未来一百万年里 它们仍然能够继续保持这个产量
Anyone who has ever gulped a mouthful of sea water knows that it's salty.
任何被海水灌过的人都知道 海水是咸的
But it's only when you see it dried out Like this that you realise
just how much salt there is in the sea.
For this mine, there's almost more than they know what to do with,
so much so, that they've even carved their own chapel out of salt,
200 metres underground.
Just like every sea,the Mediterranean got most of its salt from rivers.
和每个海洋一样 地中海大部分的盐都是从河水而来