有时候需要专家的绘图技术 才能揭示一个陨石坑的存在比如这个位于巴西的
But even with this technology,less than 200 impactcraters have been found across the entire planet.
但即使是用最精密的设备 在整个地球上 找到的陨石坑也不超过200个
This is partly because erosion continually rubs out the evidence of past impacts,
部分原因是因为腐蚀现象 不断抹去过去冲击的证据
but it's also because of the atmosphere's protective role.
To understand how something as intangible as thin air protects us from meteors,
为了理解像空气这样薄稀的事物 如何保护我们不受陨石侵害
you need to find a meteorite that has survived its fall to Earth.
Meteorites are rare, so you need to go to great lengths to track one down.
Dr Phil Bland is a planetary scientist on just such a mission,
leading an expedition out onto the barren NuHarbor Plain
in Western Australia, three days' drive from the nearest town.