听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第22集:迪斯尼乐园
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    00:01.11, Please, please, please, please. 上帝保佑 菩萨保佑 佛祖保佑
    00:02.47, Okay, what is this? 你们在干嘛啊
    00:03.85, We're making sure I'm tall enough 在确认我身高已经足够
    00:04.99, to ride all the rides at Disneyland. 可以乘坐迪斯尼乐园所有设施
    00:06.49, Without having to spike up my hair. 不用把头发竖成钉耙冒充高个儿
    00:07.92, Buddy... 老弟
    00:09.36, We are good to go. 完全合格
    00:10.37, Sweet! 帅呆了
    00:11.42, I have been waiting for this day 我期待这一天已经很久了
    00:12.59, ever since the doctor pointed 自从医生指着你妈的
    00:13.58, to the ultrasound of your mom's womb and said, 子宫超声波图对我说
    00:16.49, Either that's a fifth limb, 那货如果不是有五肢
    00:17.55, or you got a boy." 那么你就要抱儿子了"
    00:18.70, Okay, no. Gross. 别说了 真恶心
    00:19.51, All right... I want everybody to eat a lot at home 听好 大家今天都在家把饭吃饱了
    00:22.40, because "The happiest place on earth" 因为世上最销魂的极乐之地
    00:24.43, is also home to the most expensive churro on earth. 卖的西班牙油条也贵得离谱
    00:26.83, Come on. This is gonna be awesome. 拜托 一定会爽翻天的
    00:28.63, Who doesn't love a day at Disneyland? 谁不爱迪斯尼一日游呢
    00:30.92, Can't you and mom go without me? 你们就不能放过我吗
    00:32.56, You're the kid. I think we need you to get in. 你是小孩 小孩就应该去
    00:34.58, Well, it couldn't come on a worst day. 非得挑今天这么个日子
    00:36.50, The technology sector is tanking. 科技板块正在大跳水呢
    00:38.63, We're doing a stock market project in school, 学校布置了一个股票市场模拟的作业
    00:40.40, and today's the last day. 今天是最后一天了
    00:41.97, We all get a thousand fake dollars to invest, 我们每人有一千元代币用来投资
    00:44.30, and as the market closed yesterday, 到昨天闭市为止
    00:45.91, I'm in the lead. 我独占鳌头
    00:47.84, I may not be the tallest or the most athletic, 小哥我身高不突出 运动不拔尖
    00:50.24, but someday I will be the richest, 但有朝一日我绝对是大款
    00:52.25, which is good because the ladies love that, 妹子们都爱傍大款
    00:54.54, and I've grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle. 鉴于我爹妈的配对情况 我已经习惯了
    00:57.70, Do you really wants girls who only want you for your money? 你真会喜欢那些看重你钱的姑娘吗
    01:00.24, I'd like to have that option. 我希望自己有那个选择权
    01:02.63, Manny, put the stock away and put your ears on. 曼尼 别管股市了 把米老鼠耳朵戴上
    01:05.74, Mom, I don't think you have to wear one of these. 妈 我不用戴这个吧
    01:07.64, Be a kid! Put them on! 像个小孩样 给娘戴上
    01:09.80, Really? Those shoes? 没搞错吧 穿这双鞋
    01:12.43, What? 怎么了
    01:12.94, Do you know how much walking you have to do at Disneyland? 你知道在迪斯尼乐园得走多少路吗
    01:16.10, Why do you think they have so many fat people on scooters? 没瞅见那群懒胖子都用滑板车来代步吗
    01:18.47, I like wearing the high heels. I'm fine. 我就喜欢高跟鞋 我没事
    01:20.40, It's just like that jacket you refuse to bring 就跟上次我让你带件外套
    01:22.58, when I say, "Take a jacket." 而你宁死不听的情况一样
    01:24.57, Don't tell me what to do! I'm fine! 别老对我紫手画脚 我没事
    01:26.17, Huh? And you're not fine. 结果呢 你才不是没事
    01:27.52, You're cold and shivering, 你又冷又冻
    01:29.06, and I look like the jerk who won't give his wife a jacket, 我则像个连外套都不肯脱给老婆的混球一样
    01:31.38, so I do, and then I'm cold and shivering, 于是只好把外套给你 结果自己受冷受冻
    01:33.61, and I brought a jacket. 可明明我自己就带了外套的
    01:35.04, Are you done with your boring jacket story? 你那叨逼叨的外套故事完了没
    01:37.76, Because we're going to hit traffic. 再继续说就要赶上大塞车了
    01:39.87, Tell you one thing. I'm not gonna give you my shoes. 我就一句话 到时候可别想穿我的鞋
    01:44.09, Ah! That must be Ethan. 哈 一定是伊森到了
    01:45.75, Who's Ethan? 伊森是谁啊
    01:46.93, Didn't I tell you? 我没告诉你们吗
    01:47.94, My friend Bethenny's nephew is coming with us today. 我朋友贝瑟妮的侄子今天和我们一起去
    01:50.74, He moved to town to go to college. 他为了上大学方便搬家至此
    01:52.22, He's very nice, very smart, big hockey player. 他人超和善 超聪明 还会玩冰球
    01:55.39, I know what you're doing. 我看穿你在耍什么花样了
    01:56.33, Really? She was so subtle. 真的吗 她说得这么"隐晦"
    01:58.33, Haley has a thing for bad boys, 海莉总是喜欢坏男生
    02:00.01, which was so me. 真是有其母必有其女
    02:02.26, Clearly. 显然嘛
    02:04.21, So if she's going to be leaving the nest soon, 如果她即将离巢而去
    02:06.59, we'd prefer it was not on the back of a motorcycle. 也最好不要是骑在摩托后座走的
    02:08.62, My college roommate had a motorcycle. 我大学室友就有辆摩托
    02:11.49, Man, I had some good times on the back of that thing. 我当年在车后座度过了很多幸福的时光
    02:11.73, 菲尔你确定你是直男吗  
    02:15.90, I can't believe you did this. 真不敢相信你会这么做
    02:16.88, I'm not gonna babysit Bethenny's nephew. Alex can have him. 我可不要照顾贝瑟妮的侄儿 交给艾丽克斯了
    02:19.29, Okay, I don't need your rejects. 被你拒绝的次品我可不稀罕
    02:21.35, Hi, Ethan! I'm so glad you could make it. 伊森 真高兴你能来
    02:24.03, Thanks for inviting me. 谢谢您邀请我
    02:24.75, Sure. 没事
    02:25.57, Hi. I'm Al-- 你好 我叫艾
    02:26.99, my 14-year-old sister. Ethan, was it? 她是我14岁的小妹 伊森 对吧
    02:29.74, Yeah. 没错
    Dialogue: 3,0:02:38.23,[翻译:好好先生萨拉丁 猫中之王 威廉 独醉  
    Dialogue: 3,0:02:41.23,[时间轴:子衿 校对:好好先生萨拉丁 Ethan-泽生 后期&总监:瓜瓜  
    02:41.23, 摩登家庭 第三季 第二十二集
    02:44.79, And that's my grandpa and his wife Gloria 那是我外公和他老婆歌洛莉亚
    02:47.46, and her son Manny. 还有她儿子曼尼
    02:48.51, Wow. You guys have a big family. 你们真是个大家庭啊
    02:51.49, Big family. 大家庭呢
    02:53.94, She likes him! 她挺中意他的
    02:54.65, Yeah, who wouldn't? 谁能不中意啊
    02:55.53, 哪找来的 汤米·席尔菲格成衣目录吗 Where'd you find him, a Tommy Hilfiger catalog?
    02:55.53, [美国休闲领导品牌之一  
    02:58.08, He got a 2200 on his S.A.T.S. 他高考考了2200分
    03:00.23, And those eyes... 那双摄魂美眸
    03:01.61, Okay, did you get him for Haley or for you? 你是在挑女婿还是在找老公啊
    03:03.35, Mitchell. 米奇尔
    03:05.23, You know, I haven't been here since dad brought us when we were kids. 自从小时候跟爸一起来之后 我就再也没来过了
    03:07.48, [迪斯尼乐园中用机器人扮演林肯总统发表演讲  
    03:07.48, Ohh, yeah. Remember? You cried in the Abraham Lincoln thing. 对 记得吗 你还为那亚伯拉罕·林肯哭了
    03:11.33, Hey, he's a great president, 人家是伟大的总统
    03:12.64, and it was the first robot I ever saw. 况且我也是头一回看见机器人
    03:15.30, When Claire and Mitchell were young, 克莱尔和米奇尔小时候
    03:16.77, their mom and I were gonna take them to Disneyland. 我和他们妈妈准备带他们去迪斯尼乐园玩
    03:19.34, But that morning, Dede and I got in this huge fight 那天早上 迪迪和我大吵一架
    03:21.53, over something or other-- surprise, surprise-- 就为了些鸡毛蒜皮的小事
    03:24.22, and I ended up taking them on my own. 最后我只好独自带他们去
    03:26.91, Claire's biggest fear was running into the evil queen. 克莱尔的噩梦是撞见那邪恶皇后
    03:29.84, My biggest fear was that I married her. 我的噩梦是已经娶回家一个邪恶皇后
    03:33.12, Okay, people over 46 inches, 身高超过1米17的同志们
    03:35.53, first stop--Indiana Jones! 第一站 印第安纳琼斯
    03:37.69, Have fun on the teacups, Lily. 莉莉 你就在茶杯转盘里好好玩吧
    03:39.25, Okay, let's do this. 大家出发吧
    03:40.27, Oh, okay, wait just a second here, everybody. 各位 先等一下
    03:43.82, All right. 好了
    03:46.54, Is that a leash? 你那是根遛狗绳吗
    03:47.34, No, it's a child safety tether. This way, sweetie. 不 是孩童安全系绳 走这边 乖女儿
    03:51.23, It--it's a leash. 那就是根遛狗绳
    03:52.39, Don't--don't judge us. 别对我们评判指责
    03:53.99, Go on. 来吧
    03:55.75, We have a runner. 我们家有个乱窜鬼
    03:56.94, Lily is going through a phase-- 莉莉正处于某种阶段
    03:58.28, at least... Oh, we hope it's a phase. 至少 我们希望这只是阶段现象
    03:59.71, She bolts every chance she gets. 她一逮到机会就往外窜
    04:01.99, Lily! 莉莉
    04:03.63, Lily! 莉莉
    04:05.06, Lily! 莉莉
    04:05.87, So we had no choice 我们别无选择
    04:07.05, to put her on a child safety tether. 只能给她系上儿童安全系绳
    04:09.28, It's a leash. 就是根遛狗绳
    04:11.00, And we did have a choice. 我们当然可以选择不系
    04:14.92, Lily, sweetie, don't pull. 莉莉 宝贝 别拉绳子
    04:17.03, Lily, heel! 莉莉 跟紧
    04:17.80, Dad. 爸爸
    04:19.09, If I'd had known you guys were gonna do this, 早知道你们会玩这个把戏
    04:20.66, I'd have brought Stella. 我就把斯黛拉也牵来了
    04:21.73, It was Cam's idea. 都是小卡的主意
    04:22.57, So much for the united front. 多谢你和我站在同一战线上
    04:23.63, I'll have you know, despite all your jokes, Lily enjoys it. 告诉你 你尽管笑吧 莉莉自己享受就好
    04:27.21, Okay, sweetie, you're not helping. You're not helping. 宝贝 别学狗叫 你就别添乱了
    04:29.25, Oh, my God. Oh, my God. You guys, is that Dylan? 我的天 你们快看 那不是迪兰吗
    04:31.09, What? 什么
    04:31.78, Oh, jeez. 老天
    04:32.75, Dylan?! 迪兰
    04:36.16, Uh, what are you... I didn't even know you were in town. 你在干嘛 我都不知道你回城了
    04:38.64, Either did I... 我也不知道
    04:40.26, Know you were in town. 不知道你在城里
    04:41.46, This town. Anaheim. 我是说迪斯尼小城 阿纳海姆
    04:41.46, [美国加利福尼亚州西南部城市  
    04:43.42, I thought you were still in Wyoming. 我以为你还在怀俄明州呢
    04:45.00, I was, uh... 我的确是
    04:47.29, But, um... 不过
    04:48.74, Oh, shoot. 糟了
    04:49.40, You know, I, uh, gotta meet up with some friends 我还得和几个朋友碰面
    04:51.31, and I'm... really late. 我已经迟到了
    04:54.25, It was nice to see you, Haley, 很高兴见到你 海莉
    04:55.78, and everybody. 还有大家
    04:58.31, And dude I don't know. 还有我不认识的这位
    04:59.47, I'm Ethan. It's nice to meet you. 我叫伊森 很高兴见到你
    05:01.23, And polite dude I don't know. 彬彬有礼 可惜我还是不认识
    05:07.52, Did Haley used to date that guy or something? 海莉以前和那人交往过吗
    05:09.28, Yep. You date her, that's the club you're joining. Mm. 没错 你要是和她交往 就和他是同等级的货色了
    05:13.00, Of course he would still look amazing. 他真是风采不减当年
    05:15.02, Does he? I hadn't noticed. 有吗 我怎么没觉得
    05:17.26, Did you know that Ethan plays the trumpet? 伊森会吹小号你知道吗
    05:20.43, No great surprise with those lips of his, huh? 难怪有那么性感的嘴唇 是吧
    05:23.05, Coo-coo-ca-choo, Mrs. Robinson. 一切进展顺利啊 鲁宾逊太太
    05:23.05, [电影《毕业生》里勾引年轻小伙子的主妇  
    05:26.33, Okay, buddy, moment of truth. 好了伙计 测量真相的时刻了
    05:30.12, Yes! 好哎
    05:31.98, This is gonna be so awesome! Yeah! 可要玩到爽翻天啊
    05:38.55, In 45 minutes, this is gonna be so awesome! 再等45分钟 玩到爽翻天啊
    05:46.82, Look, Reuben, 听着罗本
    05:47.57, I have some underperformers I have to unload, 我手头有不少垃圾股要抛
    05:49.39, and I don't have access to a computer. 可现在周围没电脑可以连上网
    05:51.55, Log in as moneydelgado-- 用"钱爷·迪尔加多"的名字登录
    05:53.32, Manny! 曼尼
    05:54.40, By all means, Reuben, 快想办法去 罗本
    05:55.20, go get a popsicle while the nikkei closes. 日经指数闭市了再去吃冰棒好吗
    05:57.06, I wanna be a pauper. 别让我变成穷鬼
    05:59.07, Mom, my stocks just took a dive. 妈 我那支股票突然暴跌
    06:00.68, Your phone is about to take a dive. 你再说我把你手机跌水里去
    06:02.58, Come on! Where do we want to go next? 赶紧的 我们下一站去哪
    06:04.61, Oh! Ethan and I want to try the haunted mansion. 伊森和我想去"幽灵公馆"里探险
    06:06.85, There is no you and Ethan. 你可别趁机勾搭伊森
    06:08.41, Let's go to the jungle cruise. It's right there. 我们去丛林探险吧 就在那不远
    06:10.53, Why? Tired of walking in those heels? 咋了 厌倦了穿高跟鞋走远路吗
    06:12.23, No. You tired of being with a hot wife? 没 你会厌倦性感火辣的娇妻吗
    06:17.80, Well, well, well. What do you know? 哎呦 你瞅瞅 可真没料到
    06:18.95, Another caring parent with a child safety tether. 又一个负责任的家长在用儿童安全系绳
    06:21.22, See? We're not the only people who use them. 看 我们又不是唯一在用的
    06:22.91, Hi! Aren't they adorable? 你家小孩真可爱
    06:24.32, Oh, and look at your cutie! 瞧瞧你家小可爱
    06:25.61, Oh, well, yes. She just wanted to say hi. 可不是嘛 她就想打个招呼
    06:27.96, Oh. Sorry. They're a little feisty today. 不好意思 他俩今天有点小毛躁
    06:29.59, Oh! No problem. She's friendly. 没关系 她脾气挺好
    06:31.14, Rex, gentle. 雷克斯 礼貌点
    06:32.61, Oh, his--his name's Rex, huh? 他叫雷克斯[霸王龙] 对吧
    06:34.35, Yeah. 是的
    06:35.11, Oh, okay. Lily, no, sweetie. Lily, um... 那什么 莉莉 宝贝 莉莉...
    06:37.04, Oh. Sorry. He--he just gets excited. 抱歉 他就是有点人来疯
    06:38.76, Oh, yeah, no--oh, no problem. 是啊 没关系
    06:39.50, Lily, stop moving, sweetie. Stop moving. 莉莉 别跑了 亲爱的 停下来
    06:40.90, Okay, you got this. 好的 交给你了
    06:41.94, Okay. Okay. Good girl! Good girl! Sorry. 好嘞 好嘞 乖女儿 乖女儿 抱歉
    06:47.52, You know what the fight with Dede was about? 想知道那次我为啥要和迪迪吵吗
    06:49.57, I taped a football game over an episode of "Dallas." 我录橄榄球比赛时洗掉了一集《达拉斯豪门恩怨》
    06:53.48, Who bails on a family trip to Disneyland 谁会就此撇下全家 拒绝一起去迪斯尼
    06:56.06, over something like that? 就为那么点鸡毛蒜皮的小事
    06:57.25, Ironically, Dallas was playing in the game. 讽刺的是 达拉斯那场比赛还上场了
    07:00.01, And I remember pointing that out to her, 我当时还指给她看来着
    07:02.30, and then I remember 再接着我就记得
    07:03.04, a video cassette flying at my head. 一盒录影带朝我脑门飞了过来
    07:05.87, You do not play the cello. 你不是真的拉大提琴吧
    07:06.96, I do. Even geekier--I'm good. 是的 虽说有点怪咖 我不在乎
    07:08.91, Okay, answer me this-- 那好 回答我一个问题
    07:09.96, I will answer you this. 回答你十个问题都行
    07:11.70, Why do people carry cellos around? 为什么人们总是随身拖着大提琴
    07:14.07, You know, people aren't expected to lug a piano around. 也没见人拖着钢琴到处走啊
    07:16.24, What's the cutoff? 原因不同在哪里
    07:16.95, I know, right? Like, go where the cello is. 可不是嘛 大提琴 任我行
    07:21.16, Oh, look at this. I think I've inadvertently 瞧瞧他们 我无心插了一柳
    07:23.48, set up my 14-year-old with a college boy. 倒是给一14岁小萝莉和一大学男孩遮上了荫
    07:25.79, The boy was your doing? 那男孩是你找来的
    07:26.57, Yes. Yes, and he was perfect, 是啊 是啊 完美的男子
    07:28.97, and Haley was into him until, 海莉之前对他还是挺有好感的
    07:30.91, of course, we ran into Dylan. 直到我们撞见了迪兰
    07:32.40, I mean, come on, dad. What are the odds of that happening? 说真的 怎么会有那么巧的事情
    07:34.60, It's a small world. 这世界小得很
    07:35.78, Yes, it is. 可不是嘛
    07:36.32, - You see what I did there? - I did. 瞧见我刚刚的风采了吗-我懂
    07:37.01, - 'Cause it's a ride. - I got it. Got it, dad. I got it. 一把年纪疯狂玩-我懂 我懂 老爸
    07:38.65, It's so frustrating because... 真是让我太沮丧了...
    07:40.83, I know I can't run Haley's life for her, 我知道我不能替海莉做主
    07:42.21, but if she would let me, I would be so good at it. 不过如果她同意了 我肯定干得特别棒
    07:45.39, Right, 'cause parents always know what's best for their kids. 对啊 父母可是最会替孩子着想了
    07:48.07, You remember that nice girl at the office 还记得我办公室里那个好女孩
    07:49.55, I tried to fix Mitch up with? 就是我打算介绍个米奇的那个吗
    07:50.90, No offense, dad, but I think I probably have 无意冒犯 不过在理解孩子的"需求"方面
    07:53.54, a better sense of what my kids need than you did. 我的能力应该是比你更胜一筹的
    07:55.76, I think it's cute you think that. 你这么想可真是天真
    07:58.69, Mom! 老妈
    07:59.81, It was so awesome! 玩得真是爽极了
    08:01.47, The jeep was jerking around... 那车到处乱窜
    08:03.38, And--and there was a lot of sharp turns and big drops. 那里到处是急转弯和大坡度
    08:05.81, It just kept going. 它还继续往前开
    08:06.95, Wow. You okay? 你还好吗
    08:08.48, Great. Why wouldn't I be? 好得很 怎么会不好
    08:10.38, Because you're kinda leaning on me. 因为我感觉你需要我的搀扶
    08:11.61, Well, isn't that what a marriage is? 婚姻不就是要相互扶持吗
    08:13.64, Ohh. Oh, Alex, stop touching him. 艾丽克斯 放开那个男孩
    08:17.11, Oh. You look like hell. 你看上去糟透了
    08:18.62, I'm feeling a little dizzy. 我晕头转向 满眼金星
    08:20.22, I think that ride did something to me. 估计是刚才那一趟车给坐的
    08:21.82, The fluid in your inner ear is thickening. 你内耳中的液体会变浓
    08:23.38, That's what happens when you get old. 身体老化时就会这样
    08:24.75, It is? 是吗
    08:25.35, Yeah, you can't take the motion. 某些动作你已经消受不起了
    08:27.60, I gotta pop a dramamine to get in my swivel chair. 我坐旋转椅之前都得先来颗"晕海宁"
    08:29.90, That is not it. I'm king of the roller coasters. 才不是那样 我可是过山车之王
    08:33.28, I think I just put 我觉得是因为
    08:33.94, too big of a whipped cream smile on my pancake this morning. 早上我往烤饼里放太多生奶油了
    08:36.44, You guys wanna go on matterhorn? 你俩想去马特洪峰上看看吗
    08:37.68, Luke, I think me and your dad are gonna sit this one out, 卢克 我和你爸还是坐这等你吧
    08:39.86, maybe get one them big pickles. 或许弄一大份腌黄瓜分着吃
    08:41.74, No! You're gonna have to eat that pickle on your own, Jay. 不 腌黄瓜你自己吃吧 杰
    08:44.81, I still got a few good years left. 我尚有几年年轻力壮的日子呢
    08:46.91, Luke, wait up! 卢克 等等我
    08:48.09, I'll race you there! 比比谁先到那
    08:52.41, I'm good. I'm good. 我没事 我没事
    08:58.58, Okay, everybody's looking at us. 每个人都在盯着咱
    08:59.99, I haven't been judged by this many people 我已经很久没被这么多人围观过了
    09:01.51, since I forgot my canvas bags at whole foods. 上次还是去全食市场忘带帆布包
    09:03.51, Yeah, well, maybe they're staring 他们盯着我们可能是因为
    09:04.52, because we have what they want. 对我们美好生活的羡慕嫉妒恨
    09:05.62, Whoa! Oh, a pet daughter. 'Cause that... 你是在说我们的"宠物闺女"吗
    09:07.95, You know, I don't care what people think. 旁人说什么我可不在乎
    09:09.50, If I thought it would keep my daughter safe, 只要我觉得可以保证我家闺女的安全
    09:10.86, I would have a kangaroo pouch sewn into my midriff. 让我在腹部缝一个袋鼠育儿袋我都愿意
    09:13.12, That's gonna work out really well for you as a single parent. 你身为单亲家长 这么一来是挺方便
    09:15.92, Okay, we just got a glare from Mr. Socks-with-sandals. 那"短袜凉脱"男诧异地看了我们一眼
    09:17.98, All right, that's it. 好了 我受够了
    09:19.60, Lily, I'm gonna take off this leash. 莉莉 我来替你把这遛狗绳给解了
    09:21.21, I think it's a mistake. 我觉得这样做是不对的
    09:21.92, But I don't want you to run away, 但同时我也不希望你会乱跑
    09:23.29, cause that would be very, very unsafe, 因为那样非常 非常危险
    09:24.99, and if we lost you, 一旦我们找不着你
    09:26.08, you'd be very scared, and we'd be very sad. Okay? 你会惊恐万分 我们会悲痛欲绝 好吗
    09:29.60, Okay. 好的
    09:30.15, All right. 很好
    09:30.88, See, Cam? You treat her like a human being 看 小卡 你若把她当个人对待
    09:32.89, and she acts like one. 她就会以人的标准要求自己
    09:34.73, Chip 'n Dale! 《奇奇与蒂蒂》
    09:34.73, [迪斯尼卡通人物 一对花栗鼠兄弟  
    09:36.36, Oh, great. Now she's chasing squirrels. Lily! 这下好了 她去追松鼠去了 莉莉
    09:38.46, Honey, come on! 亲爱的 别跑
    09:39.90, Lily! Lily! 莉莉 莉莉
    09:46.03, Hey! How was Splash Mountain? 激流勇进好玩吗
    09:47.69, It was great! Maybe we go again. 棒极了 要不我们再玩一次
    09:49.87, No, thanks. There was no reception in there. 我就免了 里面连手机信号都没有
    09:51.97, You know how many bars I had? Zip-a-Dee-doo-dah. 知道刚刚我手机有几格信号吗 完全没有
    09:52.52, [Zip-a-Dee-doo-dah是一部迪斯尼动画的主题曲  
    09:55.40, Reuben, talk to me! 罗本 赶紧汇报
    09:57.09, Must be nice to get out of those shoes for a minute. 你要是脱了鞋休息一会儿肯定特舒坦
    09:59.64, I don't know what you talking about. 你这是在说什么呢
    10:01.10, Nothing. I'm just making conversation. 没啥 就随便唠唠
    10:03.31, Hey. Check it out. 快来看看
    10:04.89, I bought one of those souvenir photos 我这有张你们刚玩"激流勇进"时
    10:07.14, with you and Manny on the ride. 你和曼尼拍下的纪念照
    10:09.77, Boy, it looks like you're having a good time. 老天 你刚才真是玩得挺爽
    10:11.77, Wait a minute. What's that in your hand? 等下 你手里拿的是什么啊
    10:13.98, Are those shoes? 是双高跟鞋吗
    10:15.74, I'm not even sure that that is us, Jay. 这么模糊我都看不清是谁 杰
    10:17.49, Why are you walking around in pain? 你为什么要忍着痛走路
    10:18.91, Just admit the shoes were a bad idea. 你就承认吧 穿这鞋来就不合适
    10:21.06, I am not in pain. 我可没感觉到痛
    10:22.87, I just didn't want my favorite walking shoes to get wet there. 我就是怕我最爱的鞋给弄湿了而已
    10:26.70, Okay, my bad. 好吧 我错了
    10:28.33, Well, we've gotta meet everybody in Tomorrowland, 我们还得去"明日世界"和大家会合呢
    10:30.26, so we'd better get movin' 所以赶紧走吧
    10:31.31, cause it's all the way on the other side of the park. 那地方可是在公园的另一边呢
    10:34.59, I'm fine. 我好得很
    10:35.41, You just try to keep up with us. 你可别让我们给甩下了
    10:39.57, I can't take this. 我看不下去了
    10:43.88, Dad, throw your hands up! It's fun! 爸 把手松开 太刺激了
    10:46.40, Oh, yeah, it is fun! 是啊 真刺激
    10:56.40, Reuben, if you heard about that stock at a birthday party, 罗本 如果你是在生日聚会上听说那股票的
    10:59.11, it's already too late. 那就已经晚了
    11:00.25, Gloria! 歌洛莉亚
    11:02.51, Gloria, sit down for a second. 歌洛莉亚 坐会儿
    11:03.70, I'm fine, Jay. 杰 我没事
    11:04.72, Please? 求你了
    11:06.30, Look... 听我说
    11:07.81, You may not be in pain... 你也许不痛苦
    11:09.05, Okay. 好吧
    11:09.58, But I'm in pain just thinking you're in pain. 但只要觉得你痛苦 我就会痛苦
    11:11.94, So humor me for one minute. 所以 你就乖乖听我一回
    11:14.20, What are those? 这是什么
    11:15.65, [《Bibbidi Bobbidi Bu》是迪斯尼动画《灰姑娘》的插曲  
    11:15.65, There wasn't a big selection at the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique. 灰姑娘小店里没多少款式可供选择
    11:19.41, Are you crazy? 你疯了吗
    11:20.92, I cannot walk around in public with these... 我不能在大庭广众之下穿着...
    11:24.56, Things. They're so yellow and so ugly. 这种东西走路 又黄有丑
    11:27.21, And... and they're so softy 而且还很软
    11:29.75, and so comfortable. 很舒服
    11:31.54, Jay, what is this? 杰 这是什么
    11:34.36, Thank you for going shopping for me. 谢谢你给我买了这个
    11:36.21, Thank you for worrying about my feet. 谢谢你心疼我的脚
    11:38.48, Thank you for giving me your jacket when I'm cold. 谢谢你在我冷的时候把外套给我穿
    11:42.26, You're such a good man, Jay. 杰 你真是个好男人
    11:43.86, Thank you. Mmm. 谢谢
    11:49.61, I didn't expect you to be so... 没想到你突然变得这么...
    11:52.04, So nice. 温柔
    11:53.16, Why are you so surprised? 你为何如此惊讶
    11:56.36, Now please don't go all Latin on me when I say this. 我说这话 你可别生气
    12:00.00, Is it possible 莫非
    12:02.20, you get angry from time to time 你总发无名火的原因是
    12:05.11, because you're always wearing... 你脚下穿的一直是
    12:07.36, Uncomfortable shoes? 让你搓火的鞋子
    12:13.55, Maybe. 可能吧
    12:15.36, Can you get me a couple of more? 能再给我买几双这样的鞋吗
    12:17.62, Maybe they have purple? 说不定有紫色的
    12:19.57, Whatever you want, honey. 你想要啥都行 宝贝
    12:22.52, All I'm saying is, 我是说
    12:23.31, it seemed like you were pretty into Ethan 你似乎很喜欢伊森
    12:25.05, until Dylan showed up. 直到迪兰出现
    12:26.19, Don't get me wrong. Ethan's nice, but he's no Dylan. 别误会我 伊森人很好 但他不是迪兰
    12:29.13, Maybe that's a good thing? 那不是好事吗
    12:30.66, Why? Because Dylan's a free spirit? 为什么 就因为迪兰自由随性吗
    12:32.91, He's too edgy for you? 是因为他太前卫了吗
    12:34.25, He plays by his own rules? 还是因为他的特立独行
    12:36.42, Oh, my God. 天呐
    12:37.24, What? 怎么了
    12:38.67, I beg of you to turn around 我想请你转身
    12:40.71, and experience with me the greatest moment of my life. 和我一同见证我此生最难忘的一幕
    12:48.88, Your rebel boyfriend's a Dapper Dan. 你的叛逆男友变成了四重奏歌手
    12:51.23, Maybe that's not him. 也许我们看错了
    12:57.92, Dylan! 迪兰
    12:58.39, Uh, uh, sorry. 对不起
    13:00.44, Sorry. Um... 对不起
    13:01.03, It certainly seems like him. 确实很像他
    13:05.88, Oh, my God. He looked like 天呐 他看起来
    13:06.77, those old pictures of dad from high school. 像老爸高中时的旧照片
    13:10.28, So anyway, I've really been into street art lately. 反正 我最近爱上街头艺术了
    13:11.51, Oh, there's a really great exhibit downtown. I'll take you. 城里有个展览很不错 我带你去吧
    13:13.64, Oh, on what, your razor scooter? 怎么去 用你那"劲爆"踏板车去吗
    13:15.73, Mom wants you. 老妈找你
    13:16.33, I-I-I... 我 我 我
    13:16.96, Ethan! I've been looking all over for you! 伊森 我到处找你呢
    13:23.82, ["加勒比海盗"——迪斯尼乐园的游乐项目  
    13:23.82, I remember I was on Pirates of the Caribbean, 我记得当时是在玩"加勒比海盗"
    13:26.58, and this whole fight with Dede was really eating at me. 跟迪迪吵得那一架真是太闹心了
    13:29.43, And there was this angry animatronic wench 游乐项目中有个疯婆娘
    13:32.06, with a rolling pin, chasing some poor pirate around. 拿着擀面杖 追着个可怜的海盗
    13:34.44, They were on a track, running in circles, 他俩绕着一个圆环不停转圈
    13:37.29, so he could never get away from her. 也就是说他永远摆脱不了她
    13:39.56, And I remember thinking, 我当时就在想
    13:41.26, I can't save you, buddy, 哥们 我是救不了你
    13:43.97, but I'm getting off this ride. 但我要结束我自己的婚姻之旅
    13:46.60, ...and--and we were going around a corner, 然后 然后我们正要拐弯
    13:48.41, and I was screaming and I swallowed a bug. 我尖叫了 吃进了一只虫子
    13:50.93, Oh, being tail is everything that I dreamed it would be. 我最喜欢坐最后一节车厢了
    13:53.67, What should we do next? 接下来该干啥呢
    13:54.50, Sit down. 坐下
    13:55.77, Where we gonna sit down? 我们坐哪儿
    13:56.45, The ground. Here, this is good right here. Oh! 坐地上就这儿 坐这儿就好
    13:59.70, Are you okay, dad? 爸 你没事吧
    14:00.53, No, I'm not okay. 我不行了
    14:03.23, I hate to tell you this, 虽然我不想承认
    14:03.83, but these rides are killing me. 可这一趟趟车坐的我命都快没了
    14:05.94, B-but you're the king of roller coasters. 你可是过山车之王啊
    14:07.66, I know! 我知道
    14:09.23, Something happens when you get older. 岁月不饶人啊
    14:11.67, Guess you can't take it. 身体已经吃不消了
    14:14.43, One of my favorite things in the world 我这辈子最喜欢干的事儿
    14:15.79, is doing stupid fun stuff with you, 就是和你一起做傻事
    14:18.60, like pogo stick basketball 比如踩着跳跳鼠打篮球
    14:19.92, or trying to get a swing to go all the way around. 以及试图把秋千荡一整个圈
    14:21.95, Next time, we should sit on a fire extinguisher. 下一次咱试试坐在灭火器上
    14:24.28, Yes, or a bottle of coke and some mentos. 好 或者是可乐加薄荷糖
    14:27.52, Honestly, though, the way I'm feeling right now, 不过说实话 我现在的感受是
    14:29.93, I don't know if there's gonna be a next time. 不知道自己还能不能活到那时候
    14:32.10, Dad, we can always find cool stuff to do. 爸 我们总能找到好玩的事儿干
    14:35.96, Even if you're old and in a wheelchair, 哪怕你老了 坐在轮椅里
    14:38.34, I'll take you to the mall 我会带你到商场
    14:39.32, and push you as fast as you wanna go. 你想飞多快 我就推多快
    14:41.01, Really? 真的吗
    14:42.31, You'd do that? 你会那么做吗
    14:43.61, Heck, yeah. 必须的
    14:44.73, And we'll pop some wheelies, too. 再试试玩轮椅特技
    14:46.10, That sounds fun. 听起来不错哦
    14:46.93, And I'll take you to the top of a huge hill and just let go. 我还会把你推到山顶上 然后放手
    14:49.72, Okay, we'll nail down the specifics later, 好吧 细节我们以后好商量
    14:51.72, but that... That's really nice. 不过听起来真棒
    14:55.69, So do you still wanna talk or-- 你还想接着聊吗
    14:57.25, No, go. Ride Space Mountain. 不聊了 去玩"飞跃太空山"吧
    15:00.72, Uh, at the end, when they take a picture, 最后他们照相时
    15:01.97, do something hilarious for both of us. 做搞怪的动作吧 算我一个
    15:03.55, You're gonna die. 那会要了你的命的
    15:05.49, When you see it, not 'cause you're old. 我是说你看到会笑死的 不是说你太老了
    15:10.61, Lily! Lily, stop! 莉莉 莉莉 别跑
    15:12.50, Dad! Dad, grab her! 爸爸 爸爸 抓住她
    15:13.62, Hey, I gotcha, you little monkey! 抓住你了 你这小猴子
    15:15.55, Thank you. 谢谢
    15:16.61, Hey, Cam, I got her. 嘿 小卡 我逮住她了
    15:17.90, We're in Fantasyland. Where are you? 我们在"幻想世界" 你们在哪儿
    15:20.66, Okay, it's toontown, 好吧 那是叫"卡通城"
    15:21.68, not toonton. 不是"卡咚城"
    15:22.44, You've been watching too much PBS. 你看太多PBS电视台的剧了
    15:24.24, Thank you. 谢谢
    15:25.00, All right, honey, come here. 好吧 宝贝 过来
    15:27.97, I don't like this thing. 我不喜欢这东西
    15:29.17, Yeah? 是嘛
    15:29.64, Well, I don't like running like a crazy person 我还不想像个疯子一样
    15:31.44, [名剧《唐顿庄园》正是PBS电视台的  
    15:31.44, through Downton Disney-- 在《唐顿迪斯尼庄园》跑来跑去呢
    15:33.12, Downtown Disney. 迪斯尼市镇
    15:35.21, I don't know what to do. 我不知道做什么好
    15:35.99, Well, the leash is not the answer. You want my help? 遛狗绳既然行不通 让我给你指条明路
    15:38.11, Yes, please! 快帮帮我吧
    15:38.91, Cause I can fix this for you in about two minutes. 给我两分钟 我就能帮你搞定
    15:41.04, Come on, baby girl. Come with me. 来吧 小姑娘 跟我走
    15:42.70, We'll be right back. 我们马上就回来
    15:44.13, Okay. 好的
    15:45.05, Where we going? Oh, this way? 我们要去哪儿 这边吗
    15:50.92, Manny, you don't sound very happy 曼尼 你这张苦逼脸不像是来
    15:52.43, for a kid that is flying an elephant. 开开心心坐"小飞象"的孩子啊
    15:54.99, I lost to Durkas. It's not fair. 我输给德卡斯了 这不公平
    15:57.31, He wanted to buy IBM because he thought it was funny to say. 他想买下IBM 因为他觉得这听起来很有趣
    15:59.98, Well, I'm glad that you lost. 好吧 我很高兴你输了
    16:01.79, Fake money has changed you. 模拟经营游戏让你变了
    16:03.53, Where is the Manny that used to stop to smell the roses? 从前那个会停下来赏花的曼尼去哪儿了
    16:07.13, He took a bath on a solar start-up in San Jose. 他搬到圣何塞 洗上太阳能热水澡了呢
    16:09.56, You have been so busy burying your face in your phone 你一整天都电话不离手
    16:12.77, that you barely said hello to your family, 跟家人连个招呼都不打
    16:15.02, you gave Winnie the Pooh the cold shoulder, 对维尼熊也是爱理不理
    16:17.79, and you haven't even noticed 甚至都没注意到
    16:18.82, that pretty girl in the blue elephant 那边蓝色小象里的小美女
    16:21.36, that has been smiling at you. 一直冲着你笑呢
    16:24.80, Not my type, but still it's nice to be noticed. 虽说不是我的型 但被人欣赏终究不错
    16:27.11, You see what happens 瞧见没
    16:28.06, when you're not burying your head in business? 你醉心生意错过了多少幸福时光
    16:30.44, You're right. I'll try to be more present. 你说的对 我尽量享受当下吧
    16:35.78, What the heck's on your feet? 你脚上是什么东西
    16:37.44, They're slippers! They're like pillows. 拖鞋 软得和枕头一样
    16:42.92, Attagirl. 小乖乖
    16:45.32, You're welcome. 不用谢我
    16:46.67, Look. Your dad got her baby high heels, 看 你爸给他孙女买了高跟鞋
    16:48.33, which we said we were never gonna let her wear. 咱不是说过绝不让她穿吗
    16:50.22, I love 'em. 我喜欢这鞋
    16:50.91, You look gorgeous, sweetie. 你看起来真漂亮 宝贝
    16:52.51, Oh, my gosh. You felt people judged us before? 老天 想想刚才旁人对咱的嫌弃劲儿
    16:54.09, Wait till they meet little Miss Anaheim. 现在却是阿纳海姆选美小冠军
    16:55.41, Who cares? Look at her. She can barely move. 那倒还好 不过她是走都走不利索了
    16:58.23, Thank you, dad. 多谢了 老爸
    17:00.59, You know what? She's got pretty good gams for a 3-year-old. 知道吗 三岁的女娃就有这美腿 真难得
    17:06.05, Cheese! 茄子
    17:07.86, Got it. Thanks, little John. 好了 谢谢 约翰熊
    17:09.50, Thank you! 谢谢
    17:12.36, Ooh, they have corn dogs. 那边有卖玉米热狗的
    17:13.63, We gotta get one before we go back. They are legendary. 回家前一定得吃一个 绝世美味
    17:15.55, I'll be right back. 我马上回来
    17:16.15, Okay. 好的
    17:17.94, Haley! 海莉
    17:19.49, It's me. Dylan. 是我 迪兰
    17:21.29, I'm in the bear suit. I borrowed it to talk to you. 我穿着熊戏服 专门借来好跟你说话
    17:23.99, Why are you dancing like that? 你为什么要这样跳舞
    17:25.89, This is what little John does. Maybe. 约翰熊就是这样跳的 可能吧
    17:28.33, I don't know what movie this dude is from. 我不知道这货出自哪部电影
    17:29.95, I'm not even supposed to be talking to you. 我根本不应该跟你讲话的
    17:31.69, Well, I'm not talking to you. 我也不想跟你说
    17:33.28, No, you can talk. 不 你可以说话
    17:36.11, I know, but I'm mad. 我知道 可我气得说不出
    17:37.90, You came back to town and didn't even call me. 你回到家都不给我打个电话
    17:40.03, I was embarrassed. 我觉得太丢人了
    17:41.86, I lost my job at the dude ranch, 我丢掉了度假牧场的工作
    17:43.67, and I wanted to get my act together first. 我得先理清头绪
    17:45.89, But the four dweebs on a bike act? 四傻蛋骑单车有用吗
    17:48.00, Hey, the dapper dans are a main street tradition 四重唱可是街头表演的老传统
    17:50.31, since 1959. 1959年就开始了
    17:52.51, Hey, what's going on? 这是怎么回事
    17:55.30, Nothing. 没什么
    17:56.05, I still love her, Ethan. 我还爱着她 伊森
    17:58.66, Okay, how do you know my name? 你怎么知道我的名字
    17:59.84, It's Dylan. 我是迪兰
    18:00.75, Look, I don't wanna harsh your day, 我今天不是故意来给你添堵
    18:03.73, but I never stopped loving Haley and I never will! 但我一直爱着海莉 而且会爱到地老天荒
    18:07.48, I-is this some sort of joke? 你这是在演滑稽戏呢
    18:08.72, Do I look like I'm joking? 我看起来很滑稽吗
    18:10.24, Dylan, let's not do this now. 迪兰 现在别这样
    18:11.83, It has to be now. I've got a parade at 3:00. 就得现在 我三点还得参加游行
    18:15.17, Hey, seriously, dude, back off. 说真的哥们 边儿呆着去
    18:16.55, Okay, that was my face. 首先 这可是我的脸
    18:19.58, And you're the one who needs to back off. 再者 该一边凉快的人是你
    18:25.61, You... 你...
    18:26.29, Okay. This thing's kinda heavy. 好吧 这套衣服还挺重的
    18:28.98, I can't get up. 我起不来了
    18:29.71, Ethan? Ethan, what is going on? What are you doing? 伊森 伊森 怎么啦 你在做什么
    18:33.05, Uh, hi, Mrs. Dunphy. 你好 邓菲太太
    18:34.52, Help me up. 搭把手
    18:36.35, No.
    18:39.57, If I could get up, I would--uhh! 可别让我起来 要不我一定...
    18:44.16, Come on, Lily sweetie. Keep up, honey. 快点 莉莉宝贝 跟上 亲爱的
    18:46.58, - Come on. - Phil, you don't look like you're doing very well. 快点-菲尔 你看起来没什么精神啊
    18:49.67, Maybe because I officially became an old man 可能是因为刚才在雷鸣山我正式
    18:51.52, back there at thunder mountain. 体会到了这身老骨头的脆弱
    18:54.38, Oh, my goodness. You are burning up. 我的天 你好烫啊
    18:55.93, You might have the flu. 你可能是得流感了
    18:59.30, A bunch of guys at work had the flu, 我有几个同事得流感了
    19:00.68, and we all drink orange juice out of the same carton. 我们共享一盒橙汁来着
    19:03.87, We should get cups. 应该用杯子的
    19:05.94, Luke, did you hear that?! I have the flu! 卢克 听到了吗 是因为我得流感了
    19:08.86, Glad we didn't share that pickle. 幸好我们没有共享那根腌黄瓜
    19:10.63, Hey, everybody. 大家好
    19:13.33, Oh, hey, hey, guys. Where's Ethan? 大家伙儿 伊森呢
    19:14.68, Oh, he's staying. He ran into some friends. 他还在 去找他朋友去了
    19:16.62, But Dylan got fired, so... 但迪兰被炒掉了 所以...
    19:18.10, Don't freak out. We have to give him a ride home. 先别抓狂 不过我们得把迪兰捎回家
    19:21.73, And we're back together. 还有我们破镜重圆了
    19:25.10, Hey, no one goes home till we hit the Lincoln thing. 没看林肯前 谁都别想走
    19:28.24, Yawn. 无聊
    19:29.03, Don't even try to fight it. 别做徒劳的反抗
    19:30.82, Yeah, he made us go when we were kids. 我们小时候 他就逼我们看
    19:32.32, Come on, people! It's a robotic president! 来吧各位 那可是机器人总统
    19:35.17, What's not to love? 爱还来不及
    19:36.66, A robotic president? 机器人总统
    19:37.95, So my plan was, drive Claire and Mitchell home, 我原计划是 带克莱尔和米奇尔回家
    19:41.14, put them to bed, 哄他们睡觉后
    19:42.43, pour myself a big tumbler of scotch, 给自己倒上一大杯威士忌
    19:45.73, and tell Dede it was over. 然后跟迪迪说离婚
    19:47.54, But on the way out, we made one last stop. 但在回家前 我们又去了一处地方
    19:50.42, If destruction be our lot, 如果我们注定要灭亡
    19:53.74, we are ourselves 只有自己
    19:55.60, must be its author and finisher. 是自己的掘墓人
    19:59.34, As a nation of free men, 在自由人民组成的国家里
    20:02.21, we must live through all times... 我们必须经历过种种...
    20:04.88, I don't know what happened. 我不知道怎么回事
    20:05.90, Maybe it's what robot Lincoln said about a man's duty 可能是机器人林肯说到了男人的责任
    20:08.44, or keeping the union together. 或者要紧密"结合"在一起
    20:11.80, Maybe I just chickened out. 也可能就是我怂了
    20:14.04, But I realized that staying with my kids 但我意识到和我的孩子们在一起
    20:16.46, was more important than leaving my wife. 比离开妻子重要得多
    20:19.63, Now that's not the right decision for everyone, 这样的选择并非适合所有人
    20:22.11, but it was the right decision for me. 但对我来说是绝对明智的
    20:24.29, And in that faith, 凭着这信心
    20:26.96, let us, to the end, 让我们至终
    20:29.21, dare to do our duty 能够恪尽职责
    20:32.12, as we understand it. 像我们心中理解的那样
    20:33.51, So I stuck it out until they were grown... 于是我坚持到了孩子们长大成人
    20:35.99, Jay, you want to join me in the jacuzzi? 杰 要不要一起洗个鸳鸯浴
    20:39.41, And the universe rewarded me. 苍天有眼 苦尽甘来
    20:46.12, Here we go! 开始咯
    20:47.45, Hey, dad, roller coast fist bump. 爸 来个过山车拳拳碰
    20:59.78, What was that? 什么情况
    21:04.94, Is this gonna be so awesome! 肯定酷毙了
    21:11.69, Close your eyes. It make it more fun. 闭上眼睛 感觉更爽
    21:14.06, Oh, yeah. That is more fun. 是啊 的确更爽

      上一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第21集:显摆的杰 下一篇:听美剧学英语-摩登家庭第三季 第23集:逆耳的实话


