教程:一分钟英文  浏览:3469  
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    You can't beat a good wedding. I love going to weddings. It's a good excuse to dress up in your best clothes, meet lots of family and friends and have a party. Let's not forget, it's also the most important day in the lives of the happy couple. The whole day is happy. I like church weddings the best. I love the sound of the bells and the organ playing Here comes the bride. Everyone and everything looks great at a wedding. The best bit is at the end, when the bride and groom make their vows and then say, I do. I want my wedding day to be the best ever. I want all my friends at my wedding reception and I want the best man to make a funny speech. And then it's off to somewhere exotic for my honeymoon.

      上一篇:一分钟英文:Wedding Anniversaries-结婚纪念日 下一篇:一分钟英文:Weekends-周末

