一分钟英文:Writing Activities-写作活动
教程:一分钟英文  浏览:4297  
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    Do you like doing writing activities in class? I think they're quite interesting. It's not really like writing. The way we write in my language is different from English. The sentence and paragraph structures are different. My teacher gives us fun activities so we can do writing a bit at a time. Sometimes we brainstorm and write, sometimes we speed write for ten minutes. One of my favourite activities is writing in pairs. We have to agree on what to write. We even have to agree on the spelling and punctuation. That makes us think about the best way. I think this is very good for me. I also like doing online writing activities. It's good to help me practice typing. I need more writing activities.

      上一篇:一分钟英文:Writing-写作 下一篇:一分钟英文:Xenophobia-仇外心理

