While birth dffects can be genetic, or inherited, some can be caused by things a woman does before or during pregnancy such as using alcohol or tobacco,
having uncontrolled diabetes, taking certain medications or being obese at the beginning of pregnancy.
Women can greatly improve their chances of giving birth to a healthy baby by consuming 400mg of the B Vitamin, folic acid every day before and during pregnancy;
maintaining a healthy weight, controlling diabetes and abstaining from alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy.
1.birth defect 天生缺陷
例句:Onstage, Mellencamp said he was lucky to be there, and he shared the story of having to undergo lifesaving surgery for a spinal birth defect at the age of six weeks.
2.such as 诸如
例句:Heroes such as Huang Jiguang will always live in the hearts of the people.
像黄继光这样的英雄人物, 将永远活在人民的心里。
3.give birth 生育
例句:There are countries in Africa where people live close to health facilities but they give birth at home.
4.abstain from 禁止
例句:Patrons are requested to abstain from smoking in the restaurant.