He was gone. Wilden read the notebook. 他走了 威尔登看过笔记本
He knows we're on to him 他知道我们盯上他了
What's happened? So... 这是怎么了 那么
What exactly brings you to my office? 你到底来我办公室干什么
Look, I know you're in a funk, okay? 我知道你沉浸在恐慌之中
I was the first one to hear about your break-up. 我是第一个知道你分手消息的人
And I didn't tell anyone until I knew you were ready. 要是你没准备好 我是不会告诉别人的
I'm on your side here. I know. 我就在你身边 我知道
Is this what you left in Ali's casket? 这是你放进艾莉棺材里那张吗
That and twenty-four other postcards. 和另外24张明信片一起放进去的
Someone put this in my mom's bag. 有人把这个放进我妈的包里
Aria thought it was bad 艾瑞亚觉得
getting those earrings back one at a time-- 一下子收回那些耳环很糟糕
"A" Has twenty-five opportunities to set me up. A可是有25次陷害我的机会
Set us up. 是陷害我们
Just because it's your memento 不能因为这些纪念品是你的
doesen't mean it can't be planted on any of us. 就不能用于陷害我们
"A" is threatening to kill me if I go after Wilden. A威胁说 要是我再调查威尔登就杀了我
Does that mean he murdered Ali? 这是不是意味着艾莉是他杀的
Or that he's part of "A's" entourage? 或者证明他是A的帮凶
That is not what this message says. 那和这条信息说的事情无关
"La police" Are "Capable de murder." "警察" "能杀人"
I took french, Spencer. 我上过法语课的 斯宾塞
For a semester. 就上了一个学期