Is this a new couch? 这个沙发是新的吗
It's a rental. Just about everything here is. 是租的 这里所有东西都是租的
I wanted to make a fresh start in a new office. 我希望在一间新办公室里重新开始
I'm here until I find the right one. 等有合适的人接替我 我再离开
I don't officially start seeing people until next week. 我要在下周才开始正式接诊
Well, thanks for letting me come in. 谢谢你让我进来
Mona's back at school. 梦娜已经回到学校了
Like you said, therapy and the right meds 如你所说 通过治疗和正确用药
and she'd be ready to rejoin society. 她会重新融入社会的
Did you come here to talk about Mona? 你是来这里谈论梦娜的吗
I came because... 我来这里是因为
Not talking isn't working. 什么都不说是不管用的
You may have heard I killed a guy. 你或许听说我杀人的事情了
I heard that you and a classmate were attacked by someone, 我听说你和一个同学受到别人的攻击
The same person who killed Maya. 就是杀害玛雅的那个人
You were defending yourself, Emily. 你当时是自卫 艾米丽
What you did was incredibly-- 你所做的真是
Dr. Sullivan, no. That's not what I said. 不 沙利文医生 我说的不是这个
That's not what I want to talk about. 我想谈的不是这个
Everyone wants to talk about how I'm some kind of hero. 大家都称赞我是个英雄