Wait. Wait. Who the hell was that? 等等 那到底是谁
My physics teacher's husband. 我物理老师的老公
What kind of school do you go to? 你上的什么学校
Why was the husband of your physics teacher trying to strangle you? 为什么你物理老师的老公想要打你
If you want to blame somebody, 如果你要怪
you can blame my mother. 就怪我妈吧
Oh, I'd love to, 我很乐意
But what exactly would I be blaming her for? 但我要怪她什么
Ezra taught me how to drive, 以斯拉教我开车
but he never taught me how to get away from our family. 但他从没教我怎么样远离自己的家庭
I thought you liked your world. I thought so too. 我以为你喜欢你的家庭 我之前也这么以为
When Ezra left home, our mom was furious. So was I. 以斯拉离开后 妈妈很生气 我也是
It took me a long time to realize 很久后我才发现
I wasn't angry at him for leaving. 并不是他的离开让我生气
I was pissed because he didn't take me with him. 是因为他没带着我一起离开
Why did you want to go with him? 你为什么想和他一起走
Because he's not the only one with dreams. 不止他一个人有梦想
But if I was gonna get free, I'd have to do it on my own. 但我必须要靠自己来获得自由
So I thought getting thrown out of prep school 所以我以为被预科学校劝退
would be a good start. 会是个不错的开头
If I failed enough courses, broke enough rules... 如果我总是考试不及格 违反校规的话
What happened? My mother made every infraction disappear 怎么了呢 我妈用几张支票
with the wave of her checkbook. 就使这一切变得不可能了