Since when do you care what that hose-beast thinks? 你何时开始在乎那个神经病的想法了
She wasn't wrong, Han. 她是对的 汉娜
Now with Malcolm and Maggie in the picture, 现在牵涉到了马尔科姆和麦琪
everything's gonna be complicated. 一切都变得复杂了
God, how did this even happen? 天哪 怎么会这样
I mean, I'm actually having 我居然在谈论
a conversation about my boyfriend's son. 我男友的儿子
It's like my relationship 我的爱情好像
went from high school to minivan overnight. 一夜间从高中变成了房车一家
And now-now I have to go to his apartment 现在...我还得去他家
and have dinner with him and act like everything's okay. 装作什么事都没发生的样子 共进晚餐
Okay, Aria, take a deep breath. 艾瑞亚 深呼吸
Yeah, you have to give it more than ten minutes. 是的 十分钟是肯定不够的
You guys have been through so much. 你们俩一起经历了很多
I know. 我知道
Okay, but don't you think 好吧 但你不觉得
it's a little weird that he didn't call? 他都不给我打电话这事有点怪吗
I mean, Wes even thought that was strange. 连维斯都觉得奇怪
Hold up. His little brother? 等等 他的弟弟吗
Aria, is there something that you're not telling us? 艾瑞亚 有什么事是没告诉我们的吗
What? No. 什么 没有
Okay, yes, fine, maybe I went there 好吧 是的 我有过几秒
for like 2.5 seconds, but no. 心里纠结过 但什么都没发生
No, I just missed Ezra. 不 是我太想念以斯拉
It seems like you're talking to everyone in that family 好像你和他家每个人都说了话
except for the one that matters. 但却没和最重要的那人聊过