Hey.Hey, stranger. 早 早 陌生人
Didn't even hear you come in last night. 昨晚你回来的时候我都没听到动静
Yeah, well, the door was closed, 你的房门关了
so I just figured that you were sleeping. I was. 所以我以为你睡了 我的确睡着了
It was a rough drive. Probably should have taken the train. 开车回来太累了 我应该乘火车的
So, how was New York? 纽约怎么样
I didn't see much of it. 没怎么游览过
The bank booked a conference room with no windows. 银行租的会议室没有窗户
How are you holding up? 你过得怎么样
What's that supposed to mean? 你想说什么
It means I haven't seen you in a week, and I'm curious. 我是指我已经一周没见你了 我很好奇
I'm okay. 我过得很好
I went to the funeral. 我参加了葬礼
Wilden's. 威尔登的
And how was that? Weird. 葬礼怎么样 感觉怪怪的
I mean, I-- I wanted him gone, 我巴不得他死掉
and I'll probably go to hell for saying that, but... 虽然我这么不厚道可能会下地狱
I hope not. Then you'll have to see him again. 千万别下地狱 不然还得碰上他
Mom, you don't think I had anything to do with this, do you? 妈妈 你不会觉得我和他的死有关吧
I mean, I know I wanted him dead, but you don't think that-- 虽然我巴不得他死 但是你不觉得
Hanna, that thought never even crossed my mind. 汉娜 我从来没有这么想过
What do you think happened to him? 你觉得他是怎么死的
I think that Detective Wilden had more enemies than friends 我觉得威尔登侦探树敌无数
and I think one of those people decided to do us all a favor. 并且其中一个人决定助我们一臂之力
Use a plate, please. 请用盘子接着