You okay, Spencer? 你还好吗 斯宾塞
Yeah.I, um... 嗯 我
I heard from UPenn this morning... 我今天收到了宾大的通知
and I didn't get in. 我没有被录取
I'm sorry. 我感到很遗憾
I'm sorry, uh... 真的很遗憾
Are there any other schools-- 还有其他学校...
Not for my family, no. 我们家人看上的没有了
I'll be the first one not to go. 我会是第一个没有去宾大的人
Sorry. I, um, I haven't told my parents, 不好意思 我还没告诉父母
and I haven't even told my friends. 也没告诉我的朋友们
I don't really know why I told you. 我也不知道为什么告诉你
So I'd just really appreciate it if you-- 你不说出去的话我会很感激...
No, no. No. I won't say a word. 不 不 我不会说出去的
I've actually been asked to help out with college essays. 事实上 学校要求我辅导大学申请论文
So when you're ready to think of other schools, 当你准备考虑其他学校时
I'm here for you. 我会帮你
It's really important to have a second choice, 即使你一心想达成一件事
even if you had your heart set on something else. 但有个备选是非常重要的
If I were you, I would 如果我是你 我会
actually apply to other schools right away. 立刻开始申请其他学校
And you can email me the essay 你可以把论文发给我
and maybe we can work on it over the weekend. 我们这个周末就开始
Thanks. 谢谢
Hey, Spencer. 对了 斯宾塞
It's their loss. 这是他们的损失