Mom? I thought I'd give you a ride. 妈妈 我送你一程
Okay. Sure. 好的
Now, Emily. 现在就走 艾米丽
What's going on? We'll talk about it in the car. 发生什么事了 我们车上谈
No. Is dad okay? 不 爸爸没事吧
Your father's fine. 你爸很好
This is about you. What about me? 是关于你的 关于我什么
Dr. Vargas called. 瓦格斯医生来电话了
He wanted to know if I'd ever given you any of the hydrocodone 他想知道我有没有
that I was prescribed last year. 把去年开的氢可酮拿给你
Why would he ask you that? 他问你这个干嘛
He said you were uncertain if you'd ever taken it. 他说你不太确定是否服用过
I've never taken it. 我从没吃过
Emily, I checked the bottle. I counted the pills. 艾米丽 我检查了药瓶 数了药片
Now, I might be one or two off, 我以为就少了一两片
but there are more than seven pills missing. 可现在至少有7片不见了
Did you take them? 是你吃的吗
I didn't take them. 我没吃
Then where did they go? 那药片去哪了
Emily, please, I need some kind of an explanation. 艾米丽 我需要一个合理的解释
What is -- Emily. Hey! 怎么 艾米丽
Let's go. Get in the car. 跟我走 上车
No! Get in the car. 不 上车
Let go of my arm! 放开我
I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
Just get in the car now. 现在就给我上车
Please. 拜托