You and I need to talk. 我想和你谈谈
Now, I want you to breathe in through your nose 好了 用鼻子吸气
and breathe out gently through your mouth. 然后轻轻地用嘴巴吐气
Oh, that's perfect. 非常好
It's perfect! 太完美了
The whole time I was thinking of Ali 我一直想着艾莉
and how that's what it must feel like to be buried alive. 被活埋估计就是这种感觉
Did you find anything? 有什么发现吗
Yeah, I found something. 有 找到了这个
If you're involved in this, 跟我说实话
if Ashley sent you to me, just say so. 你是不是参与了 是不是艾什莉派你来的
Nobody sent me to you, Mr. Marin, okay? 我不是谁派来的 玛琳先生
You knew that she was in Rosewood that night. 你知道她那晚在玫瑰镇
Hanna's mom. 汉娜的妈妈
Did she tell you, or did you see her? 是她告诉你的 还是你看到的