Oh. Hello, Hanna. 你好 汉娜
Officer Holbrook. 霍尔布鲁克警官
I met him at Wilden's funeral. 我在威尔登的葬礼上见过他
This is my partner, Lieutenant Tanner. 这是我的搭档 陆军中尉坦纳
Hanna Marin. Hello, Hanna. 这位是汉娜·玛琳 你好 汉娜
Hanna, I'll call you. Oh, that's all right, 汉娜 我过一会儿找你 没关系的
she can stay. This isn't gonna take long. 她可以留在这里 很快就好
Whose box is that? -Darren Wilden's. 这是谁的盒子 达伦·威尔登的
Oh, nice nest egg. 私房钱可真多啊
The bank discourages depositors 银行建议存款人
from keeping cash in their safe deposit boxes. 不要把现金放在保管箱里
That's a good policy. 建议不错
Two passports. 两本护照
One american, and one canadian. 一本美国的 一本加拿大的
You should warn your customers 关于枪支的存放
about keeping firearms, too. 你也应该提醒一下你的客户们
You think that's his drop gun? 你觉得这是那把他扔掉的抢吗
Let's not speak ill of the dead, Gabriel, 不要诋毁逝者嘛 加布里埃尔
but the serial number's been filed off. 但序列号被抹掉了
So would you have been the one to take Wilden into the vault? 当时应该是你带威尔登去地下室 对吗