Is it? I don't know! 是不是 我不知道
Okay? I don't know! 我不知道 满意了么
Emily! Emily! 艾米丽 艾米丽
Stop! Emily!!! 站住 艾米丽
Come back here this second, do you hear me?! 马上给我回来 你听到没有
We've always been there for each other, 我们一直相互支持
been the one that the other needed, 做彼此的守护天使
and I don't know, I guess you're right, 这事我也不确定了 也许你说对了
I'm out of my league. 我无从下手了
What did your mom say when you were in her room? 那晚你在你妈房里的时候她怎么说
That she came back that night. 她说 那晚她回来了
She left New York and she came to rosewood. 她离开了纽约 回了玫瑰镇
To meet Wilden? 去见威尔登吗
I don't know, she wouldn't tell me. 我不知道 她没告诉我
I mean, why would she ask my dad for money? 但是 她为什么要问我爸借钱呢
I don't know. Maybe she was gonna pay Wilden off. 我也不知道 也许她想收买威尔登
Or maybe she was gonna pay somebody-- 或者也许是想收买谁
to what, kill him? 为了什么呢 杀威尔登吗
I didn't say that. 我可没这么说
Yeah, but you were thinking it. 是没说 但你就是这么想的
No, I'm thinking what other people might think. 我没这么想 但其他人会这么想
Hanna, did she say anything about the gun? 汉娜 她提没提到枪