I'm sorry that we can't make that work for you. 很抱歉我们无法负担你的学费
Dad, it's okay. 爸爸 没事的
Even if we could afford it, 就算我们能付得起
I doubt I'd even get in. 我觉得我也进不去
Why would you say something like that? 为什么这么说
Because without swimming, I'm... 如果我不能游泳了 我就...
average. 什么都不是了
There is nothing average about you. 你绝对不是什么都不是
I know I can't do much... 我知道我做不了太多...
but I want you to know 但你要知道
I'm gonna do everything I can to help you. 我会尽我所能帮你
I'm gonna go make that breakfast. 我去做早饭了
Those eggs aren't going to burn themselves. 鸡蛋不会自己变熟的
You're representing your family, 在去这些大学参观的时候 你代表的是
your school, and your community during these college visits. 你的家庭 你的学校 以及你们社区
Translation? 不用多说就明白吧
Do not use this weekend to discover beer pong. 别把这个周末的时间浪费在探索啤酒弹珠上
You are to use this time 你们要利用这次机会
to audit classes, tour the campus, 去旁听课程 转转校园
and decide if this is where you want to go. 决定一下你们想去的学校