There's no school until the D.A. Calls. 在地方检察官通知之前 我都不能去上学
I could get seven years-- 我可能得坐七年
Seven years? For what? 七年 凭什么
Carrying a concealed weapon, 私自携带武器
Attempting to destroy evidence. 试图毁灭证据
Murder. I don't know, whatever they find. 谋杀 我不知道 他们说啥就是啥
You're not a murderer. 你不是杀人犯
Well, I'm ruining my mom's life, 我毁了我妈的生活
so that's gotta count for something. 那总该是代价太大了
Hanna, listen to me. 汉娜 听我说
"A" planted your mom's cell phone in Wilden's casket. 是A把你妈妈的手机放在威尔顿的棺材里
"A" fished that car out of the lake. 又是她把那辆车从湖里拖了出来
And two days ago, "A" called the cops on you. 而两天前 A向警方举报了你
This is a set up. 都是她陷害的
God, was that just two days ago? 天哪 那是两天前的事吗
Maybe this is it, Hanna. 也许就该如此 汉娜
I think you have to tell your parents about "A". 你得把A的事告诉你父母
No. Em, none of that matters if my mom pulled the trigger. 不 艾米 如果我妈是凶手的话告诉她也没意义
She's the one who lied about where she was the night Wilden died, 威尔顿被害当晚 她对自己的行踪撒了谎
and she's the one with a gun in her closet. 在衣柜里放枪的也是她
Hey, Emily. 艾米丽
Em? Are you there? 艾米 你还在吗
I need to call you right back, okay. 我晚点再打给你
What are you doing here? And why are you wearing that? 你来干什么 为什么穿着这身衣服
I'm on the team. As of today. 我入队了 今天刚加入的
You go to Rosewood now? 你现在来玫瑰镇高中上学了吗
Yeah. 是的
So, you just switched schools mid-semester? Why? 你在期中换学校 为什么
Better swim team, 加入越强的游泳队
better chance of a scholarship. 获奖学金的机会就越大
Plus, I didn't like private school. 再说了 我本来就不喜欢私立学校
I never really fit in. 一直融不进去