Spencer, what are you doing? 斯宾塞 你在干什么
Look, I'm not gonna force you to change your mind, 听着 我不想强迫你改变主意
but I have to fix this, with or without you. 但不管你参不参与 我都要解决这件事
Who are you calling? - I've got to earn back some trust. 你在打给谁 -我得重新赢回点信任
Gamma zeta chi. 联谊会姐妹
Hi, my name is Spencer... 你好 我叫斯宾塞...
I can't believe you copied the Cliff's notes. 真不敢相信你引用了克里夫的标注
Well, it was the only thing that made sense. 这是唯一合理的地方
And I used proper citation. 我也运用了正当引用
Yes, I see that. It's right next to the footnote for Wikipedia. 看得出来 就在维基百科的脚注边上
Connor? 康纳吗
What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么
I'm helping him with his English paper. 我在帮他写英语论文
You going out? 要出去吗
Yeah, what's it look like? 是啊 不然你以为我要干嘛
Okay, well when are you going to be back? 那你什么时候回来
Later. 稍后
Did you talk to mom today? 你今天和妈妈说话了
Hey, have fun. 玩得开心啊
All right, so... 那么...
Page three. Just because Faulkner used run-on sentences, 第三页 即使福克纳运用了连写句
Does not mean that you get to. 并不意味着你也可以
Is he cool with me being here? 我在这他不介意吧