Chocolate or raspberry? 要巧克力还是树莓的
'Kay, you can stop with the sympathy food. 好了 不要再用食物来安慰我了
Chocolate. Obviously. 当然是巧克力啦
Look, if I could've had anyone else working tonight, 如果今晚有人来工作
you know I would have. 你知道我肯定会找人代班
No, it's fine. Really. 不用 没事的 真的没事
And plus I don't have anything to be ashamed of. 而且我也没什么好羞愧的
Says my suddenly wise younger brother. 是我那突然变聪明了的弟弟说的
Well, if it makes you feel better, 如果这能让你好过一点
I did put him on garbage duty. 我把他派去清理垃圾了
Huh, it does. Thank you. 确实好多了 谢谢你
Any chance you're still talking to me? 你还会和我说话吗
Yeah. 会的
How was the Grunwald? 格伦沃尔德那怎么样
She said that she didn't know Ali. 她说她不认识艾莉
But I think that Shana got to her first. 但我觉得是莎娜先我一步找到她
You think or you know? 你觉得还是你知道
I saw her there. Shana. In creepy-ville. 我在那个恐怖小城里看到了莎娜
What is Lieutenant Tanner doing here? 陆军中尉坦纳来这里干嘛
Maybe she's into slam poetry? 也许她喜欢诗歌表演吧
Emily. 艾米丽
Lieutenant Tanner, hi. 陆军中尉坦纳 你好
Did my mom tell you about the event tonight? 我妈和你说了今晚的活动吗
Uh-uh. I saw a flyer up at the station. 我在警察局看到了宣传单
But I'm not here for the music. 但我不是来听音乐的