I should be the one in jail, not my mom. 进监狱的应该是我 不是我妈
Hanna, you didn't do anything wrong. 汉娜 你没做错什么
Yeah, somebody killed Wilden 有人杀了威尔登
and "A" is taking advantage of that. A是坐收渔翁之利
It's not your fault. 不是你的错
My mom went out there to protect me, 我妈妈是为了保护我才进监狱的
how is this not my fault? 怎么不是我的错
It's Caleb. I can't talk to him right now. 是凯勒 我这个状态接不了他的电话
Hanna, my mom is a really great lawyer. 汉娜 我妈妈是个很厉害的律师
Well, then why isn't my mom out? 那为什么我妈妈还关在里面
Because it's just one hearing. 这只是个听讯
She'll win the case. She always does. 她会赢的 她每次都能赢
Always? 每次吗
Okay, so do you wanna go to school? Or not go? 你还要不要去学校
No, you guys go. I'll be okay. 你们去吧 我没事
Are you sure? 你确定吗
I'm gonna have to see my dad. 我要去见我爸爸
If my mom doesn't come back, 如果我妈妈回不来
then I have to move in with him and the gruesome twosome. 我就要搬去和我爸以及恐怖二人组一起住
You guys go. I'll be fine. 你们先去吧 我没事的
Okay. 好吧
Spence, tell your mom I'm sorry 斯宾塞 刚才对你妈妈态度不好
if I yelled at her. 帮我道个歉
She's an attorney, okay? She's used to it. 她是个律师 她习惯了
A really good one. 她是个好律师