Hey, Aria. 艾瑞亚
Sorry. No, I'm sorry. 抱歉吓着你了 不 是我不好
Hey, so I'm gonna be out late tonight with the team. 我今晚要和队里的人一起出去玩
I'm checking in with you 我先跟你报备一下
in case dad calls from Syracuse. 免得爸爸从锡拉库扎市打电话来查岗
But please don't say I have a curfew. 拜托别说我晚上有宵禁
What's going on with the team? 你们队里要干什么
We're celebrating after the game. 赛后庆功会
How do you know that you're gonna be celebrating? 你怎么知道肯定会有庆功会
Well, if we win, it's a celebration. 如果我们赢了 那就开庆功会
If we lose, it's a party. 如果我们输了 那就开派对
So, what time do you think - Just don't wait up. 你大概多久回... -别等我了
Mike, what time are you - It's important. 迈克 你什么时候... 真的很重要
I need to spend time with these guys. 我要和那帮人多聚一聚
Why? 为什么
It's different... 自从康纳的车出事以后
since the thing with Connor's car. 一切都不一样了...
Well, what's that have to do -- 和那个有什么关系...
I'm handling it. 我在处理呢
Where did you get that bag? 这个包是哪儿来的
I'm taking a class there. 我在那里上课
In martial arts? Why? 武术吗 为什么
There's nothing wrong with learning how to defend yourself. 学习怎么保护自己没什么错吧