The police took all the high heels in my house. 警察没收了我屋子里所有的高跟鞋
My mother's, mine. 包括我妈的和我的
And left you with nothing but flats? 只留了平底鞋给你穿
That's barbaric. 太野蛮了
You said there was a woman's shoeprint where Wilden was killed. 你说过在威尔登的被杀现场有女人的鞋印
Are they going to find a match 他们会从你妈妈的衣柜里
with something from your mom's closet? 找到匹配的鞋子吗
I don't think so. 应该不会
Why not? 为什么
'Cause there's a pair missing. 因为有一双不见了
Manolos. They had mud on them. 一双马诺洛鞋 沾满了泥
They were hidden under the sink, and then they were gone. 鞋之前被藏在水槽底下 现在不见了
You threw them out. 是你把鞋子扔了
No, they just weren't there anymore. 不是 是不见了而已
No, Hanna, you threw them out. 不 汉娜 是被你扔了
They're the shoes you were wearing 你去湖边见威尔登
when you met Wilden at the lake and shot him. 并杀他时 穿的就是那双鞋子
I did? 是吗
You tried to clean them and when you couldn't, 你想把鞋子洗干净 但不行
you threw them away. 所以你把鞋子扔了
You wore those shoes that night, not your mother. 那晚穿那双鞋的是你 不是你妈妈
You threw them out. 然后你把它们扔了
I threw them out because they were my mom's 我扔掉它们是因为那是我妈的鞋
and I didn't want anyone to think that those were her prints. 我不想任何人认为那是我妈的脚印
You see? It all makes sense now, doesn't it? 你看 现在一切都解释得通了
Now let's talk about the gun. 现在我们谈谈那把枪吧