She's very angry right now, 她现在非常愤怒
and I don't want her making any mistakes because of that. 我不想她因为愤怒而犯下什么错
She listens to you. 她听你的话
Yeah, sometimes. 是的 有时候
She does. 她听的
More than you know. 比你想象中更听你的话
I'll do whatever I can. 我会尽我所能
Thank you. 谢谢你
Visiting hours are now up. 访问时间到
Visitation is over. 访问结束
Mrs. Marin... 玛琳夫人
Hanna loves you. 汉娜爱你
She would do anything for you. 她会为你做任何事
That's what I'm afraid of. 这正是我所害怕的
So you haven't been in a pool since... 这么说你有段时间没游泳了 自从...
The accident? No. 那次意外以后 是的
Well, maybe we need to rethink handing you the power tools. 也许我们得再考虑下该不该让你用电动工具
I mean, we can find something a little less physical. 我们可以找点不那么耗体力的
No, I'll be fine by next summer. 不用 明年夏天我已经痊愈了