So that's the full tour. 参观完了
The pool is amazing. 游泳池很赞
I mean, your facilities are really outstanding. 你们的设施太棒了
Five minutes. Then I want you changed and hitting the weights. 休息五分钟 接着换衣服进行举重练习
There's no slackin' here. -I can see that. 在这里可不能偷懒 看出来了
Everyone's in great shape. 大家体型都保持得很好
Please. 请进
So your friend mentioned you were thinking of 你的朋友提过你想晚一年念大学
holding off college for a year to train. 这一年专门训练游泳
Uh, I'm considering it. 我正在考虑
Please, have a seat. 请坐
Let me tell you a little about how I run things. 跟你说说我们这里的规矩
We work out six days a week. 我们一周训练六天
Four hours in the pool, one hour of weight training. 游泳池里四小时 举重训练一小时
I also monitor what you eat, drink, and how much you sleep. 我还要监管你的吃喝 以及睡眠
Have I scared you yet? 怕了吗
No. No, I've worked really hard the last four years, 没有 过去四年我一直很努力
both with the team and on my own. 不管是在泳队训练还是自己练习
That's great, but there's a big difference 那很好 但高中里的游泳
between being a top high school swimmer 和锦标赛的游泳
and a championship swimmer. 完全是两码事
I know the difference. 我明白
Let's have a look at your recruiting video. 让我看看你的应聘录像
Dad, I know it's a lot of money, 爸 我知道这是很大一笔钱
but you only have to put up ten percent of the million dollars. 但你只要出十万就好了
You've seen where she is! We can't leave her in there! 你也见到那个地方了 我们不能留她在那里