How long are you gonna be gone for? 你要去多久
Shouldn't take me more 四五天
than four or five days to find an apartment. 应该就能找到住处了
I already have a few leads. 我已经看好了几处
Maybe Malcolm could stay here with me. 可以让马尔科姆住在我这儿
That way he doesn't miss any school. 这样他还能照常上课
I'm looking at tickets for a Saturday, 我准备买周六的票
so it'll only be a day or two. 这样他也就缺一两天的课
I'd really prefer if he didn't miss any. 我更希望他一天也不缺
I'll drop him off here on my way to the airport. 那我去机场前送他过来
Thank you. 谢谢
Have you talked to him about moving yet? 你跟他说了搬家的事么
Not yet. 还没有
It's not gonna be easy for him, leaving Rosewood. 离开玫瑰镇他会难过的
He's really comfortable here. 他在这里过得很好
He's a really tough kid. He'll adapt. 他适应能力很强 不会有事
You're gonna be so busy with school, 你每天要忙学校的事
and he's not gonna know anybody out there. 而他在那里又人生地不熟
He's good at making new friends. 他很会交新朋友
He could always stay here with me. 他完全可以和我住这里
I mean, I have more free time than you. 你想啊 我没你那么忙
I'm not gonna leave my son behind, Ezra. 我不会扔下儿子自己走的 以斯拉
He needs to be with his mother. 他需要母亲的陪伴
And it's equally important for him to spend time with his father. 父亲的陪伴同样重要
Yes, but I'm the one who's 没错 但过去七年
been there for him for the past seven years. 都是我陪他度过的
And whose fault is that? 那是谁的错呢