You know... 知道吗
For a minute there I actually thought 当时坐在那 我真有一刻
maybe this could happen for me. 觉得我可以重新下水游泳
Maybe things could go back to the way they were. 觉得可以回到从前
If he won't train you, we can find someone who will. 如果他不愿意训练你 我们可以找其他人
He'll train me. 他答应训练我
He just doesn't think I'll be ready in time to get a scholarship. 他只是保证不了我能及时申请到奖学金
We can get another opinion. 我们可以听听其他人的意见
Why are you pushing this so much? 你为什么这么急
I know how badly you want to swim. 我知道你有多渴望游泳
Or you mean how badly you want me to swim? 不如说你有多希望我游泳
What do you think is gonna happen 如果我不能跟你一起去斯坦福
if I don't go to Stanford with you? 你觉得我们之间会怎样
Three thousand miles is a long way. 三千英里是很长的一段路
Four years is a long time. 四年是很长的一段时间
A lot can happen. 很多事情都可能发生