Look, I'm sorry. 我很抱歉
I was just asking about your uncle because... 我之所以问起你叔叔的事
I've been there. 因为我了解那种感觉
You crash into somebody's life like a cannonball, 突然闯入他人的生命
and there might be an explosion. 还可能产生非常大的影响
I've got an uncle, too, 我也有个叔叔
who turned out to be my father. 后来发现他其实是我爸爸
Are you living with him now? - No. 你现在跟他一起住吗 -不
You know, and if that is what you're expecting, don't. 这不是什么父子团聚的戏码
Okay, get the picket fence and the bedroom 什么篱笆小院 自己的房间
with your own door out of your head. 千万别有这种幻想
I'd settle for someone 没人把我笔记本电脑扔到浴缸
who wouldn't toss my laptop into a steaming bathtub. 我就满足了
Were you in it? 你当时在浴缸里吗
No. Not that she would've noticed. 没 不过她才不会在意
She's the kind who 她是那种
opens a bottle of vodka and throws away the cap. 一次喝一整瓶伏特加的酒鬼
Well, then this was a good call. 那或许离开她是正确的决定
Maybe things'll work out. 船到桥头自然直
At least you know where you're going. 起码你知道自己要去哪
Yeah. Back to Scranton. 回去斯克兰顿
Rather deal with the devil I know. 宁愿对付那些我了解的人