You live here? - My uncle does. 你住这里吗 -我叔叔住这里
Or, at least, I think he does. 至少我以为他住这里
That's who I was looking for when I found you. 我刚刚就是在找他的时候找到你的
Who else lives in this house? How should I know? 还有谁住这里 我怎么知道
Well, there were people running in the hall. 有人在走廊里跑
You must have seen them. 你一定看见了
The only person I've met in this house is you. And you are? 我在这房子遇见的人只有你 你是哪位
Why should I tell you? 我凭什么告诉你
Because I'm the one who let you out of the phone booth. 因为是我把你从电话亭放出来的
How do I know you're not the one who locked me in the phone booth? 我怎么知道不是你把我锁进去的
You could be from here, maybe you're trying to kill me. 你可能就是从这来的 没准是要杀我
If I was going to kill you, 如果我真的要杀你
I'd use something better than a phone booth. 我会选个比电话亭靠谱的
My name's Hanna. 我叫汉娜
Hanna. I'm Miranda. 汉娜 我是米兰达
Okay, this is going to sound crazy, 好吧 可能听上去很疯狂
But I've got one friend in this house 我有个朋友也在这房子里
And there are people trying to hurt her. 有人想害她
And I've got some other friends who were 我还有群朋友
trying to save the first friend, but then we all got separated in the tunnel 想要救她 但我们在隧道里走散了
and now I got locked in a phone booth. 然后我就被锁在电话亭
And what's the crazy part? 所以疯狂的部分是什么
Just let's get out of here and go find my friends. Okay. 先去找我的朋友吧 好
You do know how to get out of here, don't you? 你知道怎么出去的 对吧
I mean, you got in, you came through a door. 你肯定是推门进来的
I got a little lost. Can't we just get out the way you came in? 我有点迷路了 我们不能从你来的路回去吗
Not a good idea. 我不这么觉得
Well, I came this way. I think. 我是从这边来的 好像是