I'm sorry I couldn't call you back earlier. 抱歉我没有早点回你电话
I was in a mediation all day. 我一整天都在参加调解会
Yeah, the Mortali case. I just got home. 是的 莫尔塔利的案子 我刚到家
No, Spencer's here. 不 斯宾塞也在
Yeah. 好的
Why don't you get some rest and I'll talk to you tomorrow? 你早点休息吧 我们明天再说怎么样
Love you too. 我也爱你
Mom says hi. 妈妈跟你问好
Mediation? 调解会
Litigation? 或者诉讼
How do you keep it all straight? 你都是怎么糊弄过去的
What exactly were you thinking talking to Mrs. Dilaurentis? 你怎么想的 居然跟迪劳伦提斯夫人说那些话
I was just trying to protect this family. One of us has to. 我是在保护这个家 总要有人这么做
You promised me, Spencer. 你跟我保证过 斯宾塞
I told you not to talk to that woman, and you disobeyed me. 我跟你说过别去跟她说话 你不听我的
Now, you keep pushing it, 而你这么没完没了的
and you will be the one to ruin this family. 总有一天你会毁了这个家
Understood? No. I don't understand. 明白吗 不明白
What is going on between the two of you? 你们俩之间到底怎么回事
Why are you lying to mom? 你为什么要对妈妈撒谎
As long as you live under my roof, 只要你住在这屋檐下
you will stay away from her. Do you hear me? 就得离她远远的 听清楚了吗