What woman? 什么女人
Some blonde. He was screaming at her 是个金发女人 他在对她狂吼
and pounding on her car. 还猛锤她的车
That couldn't have been Ezra. 那不可能是以斯拉
He's been in Philly all day. 他一整天都在费城
You sure about that? 你确定吗
I always wondered if Ezra was the person you were afraid of. 我一直很好奇以斯拉是否就是你害怕的那个人
I'm not afraid of Ezra. 我不怕以斯拉
Well, maybe you should be.Look... 也许你该怕他 听我说
The Ezra I know doesn't have a mean bone in his body. 我认识的以斯拉根本不可能干坏
You do know him best. 是啊 你特别了解他
Just do yourself a favor: keep your eyes open. 帮你自己一个忙 擦亮你的双眼
When your dad left me for Isabelle, 你爸爸把我交给伊莎贝尔时
I was devastated. And furious. 我很震惊 也很愤怒
I was lashing out at all the wrong people. 我把火气撒在无辜的人身上
And a friend of mine suggested that I come here. 我的一个朋友建议我来这里