Our parents broke themselves up, Aria. 爸妈分手是他们自己造成的 艾瑞亚
Maybe it's time you let go of that and stop judging. 也许你该释怀了 别再指指点点了
How am I... - People make mistakes, okay? 我怎么能 -人都会犯错的好吗
I've done a lot of crap that I'm not real proud of myself. 我也做过一些让自己惭愧的事
And I'm sure someone's standing right now in another bedroom, 我敢肯定现在也有人在别处
talking smack about me. 讲我的坏话呢
There's no comparison. 这没有可比性
Mona tried to destroy our family. 梦娜是要破坏我们的家庭
Well, if you've forgiven dad, 如果你都原谅爸爸了
why can't you forgive the messenger? 为什么不能原谅报信的人呢
Hey, sweetie. 嗨 亲爱的
I went and I spoke with the mechanic myself. 我自己去和修理工谈了谈
Did he say why it stopped? 他有说为什么车熄火了吗
Well, he said it was some kind of computer glitch. 他说是电脑问题
But I drove it home and it runs fine. 但我开回家的时候还挺正常的
Dad, it was working fine that night. 爸 那晚它也好好的
Then suddenly the GPS had, like, 可突然定位系统就好像
a stroke or something and the engine stopped. 中了风一样 然后引擎就熄火了
Well, he said something probably triggered the anti-theft device 他说可能有什么触发了防贼设备
and shut it down from a remote location. 车一旦开太远就会自动熄火
Baby, you're just driving it to school. 宝贝 你只是开车去学校
I think if you stay close, it'll be fine. 只要你不开远就没事
I'll take my bike. 我骑车去