Coffee smells great. 咖啡闻起来不错
How long have you been up? 你起来多久了
I didn't really sleep so well. 我昨晚没怎么睡好
You want a cup? 你要来一杯吗
No. 不要
Ezra, I think that you need to take me home. 以斯拉 我觉得你得送我回家
Are you still nervous about being up here? 你在这里还是觉得紧张吗
No, I'm not nervous. 不 我不紧张
I'm tired. 我很累
You didn't sleep well last night. 你昨晚没睡好
No, I am tired of lying to my family and my friends. 不 对我的家人和朋友撒谎让我觉得累
I don't even know how many different tales I had to spin 我甚至不知道 为了来这儿跟你过周末
just to come up here to be with you this weekend. 我还要圆多少谎
Look, I know that you have to stay up here, 我知道你得待在这儿
but is there a bus station or a train nearby that...? 不过这附近有没有公交车站或火车站呢
Aria, have you ever thought that 艾瑞亚 你有没有想过
maybe this feeling you have of being torn 也许夹在我和你朋友之间
between me and your friends is maybe not such a bad thing? 有左右为难的感觉也不是什么坏事
Is it supposed to be a good thing? 难道还会是好事吗
Maybe. 也许
I know it feels like you're growing away from them, 我知道看起来好像是你跟她们渐渐疏远了
but maybe this feeling is you and me growing closer. 但也许这也是你跟我越来越紧密的象征