This week was so hectic, I desperately wanted to sleep in this morning but Shawna called bright and early,insisting that I go shopping with her. I am flat broke these days, but she is very persistent when she wants something badly enough.
But I had one condition--I made her promise not let me buy anything. I'm saving up for a summer vacaion and can't afford to spend any money these days!
Anyway, Shawna and I had a fabulous day together. We used to hang out all the time, but it's been awhile since we have spent any quality time together, just the two of us. And I didn't even spend a dime!
I fell in love with a gorgeous jacket and considered using my credit card, but Shawna was true to her word and made me just walk away. It was actually a lot easier that I expected to spend all day at the mall and not buy anything. But I definitely prefer shopping when I can buy things.
Wow! You have way more willpower than I do! I couldn't shop all without buying anything. Way to go!
I hate shopping. I don't know why you women like it so much, especially if you don't even buy anyting.
Where are you going for your summer vacation? Do you have plans yet? If not, we should do something. I have a cabin on the lake and it's a beautiful getaway spot.