英语美文:一次杰出的演讲 A Remarkable Speech
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    阅读,不是为了得到什么,而是在被生活打击的无路可退时最后的安身之所。静静等待,阅读,一定会给予你奖励。下面是英语美文:一次杰出的演讲 A Remarkable Speech的资料,希望你会喜欢!

      A Remarkable Speech


      By Walter MacPeek

      For weeks the troop had been busy preparing for its Parents' Night program. Everything was in order. The walls were filled with displays, the scouts with enthusiasm and the tables with good things to eat.


      Now it was time for Jimmie Davis to give his oration . This was the moment he had looked forward to for many weeks. As he arose, he caught a glimpse of his mother's beaming face and his father's stolid , assured countenance . He started with a great burst of enthusiasm. He waxed more eloquent, conscious that his listeners were paying a high tribute to him by their careful attention.


      Then something happened. The world seemed to swim before him. He slowed down—faltered—stopped. His face flushed, his hands sought each other frantically and in desperation he looked helplessly toward his scoutmaster.

      然后发生了一些事情。世界似乎在他面前晃动起来。他慢了下 来,变得结结巴巴,最后停下了。他的脸憋得通红,双手使劲地拧绞着,在绝望中,他无助地朝童子军队长看去。

      Having heard that boyish masterpiece rehearsed again and again, the boy's leader supplied the missing words and Jimmie went on. But somehow it was different now. The masterpiece had been spoiled.


      Jimmie paused again—and the scoutmaster prompted him again. For the remaining two minutes, the oration seemed more the scoutmaster's than the boy's.


      But Jimmie finished it. In the heart of Jimmie, who sat down knowing that he had failed, there was a heavy load. Chagrin was plainly written on the face of his mother and a twitch of the father's face indicated a pained consciousness of shame.


      The audience applauded in a perfunctory way, sorry for and pitying the boy who they thought had failed.


      But the scoutmaster was on his feet. His eyes twinkled. All listened tensely , for he did not talk loudly.


      I am more happy than any of you can possibly understand because of what has just happened. You have seen a boy make a glorious victory out of what might have been a miserable failure. Jimmie had his chance to quit. To have quit would have been easy. But to finish the job, even in the face of 200 people required the highest kind of bravery and courage I know. You may someday hear a better oratorical effect, but I am confident that you will never see a finer demonstration of the spirit of our troop than Jimmie has just given you—to play the game even under difficulties!


      The people thundered their applause now. Jimmie's mother sat straight and proud. The old look of assurance was back on the face of the boy's father. The entire group was enthusiastic again and Jimmie felt himself, with a lump in his throat , say something to the friend beside him that sounded like, "Gee , if I can be that kind of scoutmaster someday."


      上一篇:英语美文:Owl Moon 下一篇:英语美文:不要只是站在那儿 Don't Just Stand There!

