1. 他烟抽得很厉害。
2. 她酷爱音乐,并具有舞蹈天赋。
3. 你一定很不善于学习,要不然就是教你的人不会教。
4. 在车没有停稳之前请不要站起来。
5. 你要当合格的导游,就必须熟悉这个国家的历史和文化。
6. 要学好英语,就必须尽可能多地接触这门语言。
7. 没有党的坚强领导,要实现四个现代化是不可能的。
8. 20世纪80年代,大量的乡镇企业兴起,给中国经济带来了空前的活力。
9. 这件事本身便表明,他们是有合作的诚意的。
10. 那好看的苹果、桃子和石榴把自己的果子悬在枝上,鲜红嫩绿的颜色,令人一望而发羡慕的心。
1.译文一:He smokes heavily.
译文二:He is a heavy smoker.
2.译文一:She loves music very much and has a gift for dancing
译文二:She has a love for music and a gift for dancing.
译文三: She is a great lover of music and a gifted dancer.
3. 译文一: You must be bad at learning, or else your teacher must be bad at teaching.
译文二: You must be a bad learner, or else you must be going to a bad teacher.
4. 译文一: Please don't stand up before the bus has fully stopped.
译文二: Please don't stand up before the bus comes to a full stop.
5. 译文一: You must know the history and culture of the country well before you can qualify as a tourist guide.
译文二: You must have a good knowledge of the history and culture of the country before you can be a qualified tourist guide.
6. 译文一: You must expose yourself to English as much as possible if you are to learn it well.
译文二: You must get as much exposure to English as possible if you are to learn it well.
7. 译文一: It would be impossible to realize the Four Modernizations without strong Party leadership.
译文二: The realization of the Four Modernizations would be impossible without strong Party leadership.
8. 译文一: In the l980s a great number of township enterprises emerged in China, which brought unprecedented vitality to the country's economy.
译文二: The emergence of a great number of township enterprises in China in the l980s brought unprecedented vitality to the country's economy.
9. 译文一: This event itself indicates their sincere wish to cooperate with us.
译文二: This event itself is an indication of their sincere wish to cooperate with us.
10.译文一: The beautiful apple, peach and pomegranate hang their fruit on their branches and make people admire them at first sight with their brilliant colors.
译文二: The beautiful apple, peach and pomegranate hang their fruit on their branches and draw people's admiration at first sight with their brilliant colors.