For a class of businessman that has been out of fashion for hundreds of years, the word merchant still has a ring to it. It conjures up medieval Europe, with its mercers, skinners, haberdashers, guilds and gold-buttoned liveries. It brings to mind ambitious venturers, bankrolling crusades and conquests, opening up spice routes and making history—for good and ill. It runs through literature and art, from Chaucer to Shakespeare to Holbein. Then it practically vanishes, first under the iron wheels of industrialisation in the 19th century, then crushed by consumer culture in the 20th. Until recently, the few merchants left sold only grain—or doom. Then came the e-commerce era. At last, merchants are staging a comeback.
商贩(merchant)这个词仍牵动人心 the word merchant still has a ring to it
have a…ring (说法、讨论、辩论等的)特性,特质
have a familiar ring 看起来相似
have a hollow ring 听起来很空洞
它让人想起中世纪的欧洲 It conjures up/brings to mind medieval Europe
conjure up a memory, picture, or idea 脑海中浮现(记忆、画面、想法等)
绸缎商、皮革商、男装商、行会,以及缀着金色纽扣的制服 mercers, skinners,haberdashers, guilds and gold-buttoned liveries
野心勃勃的投机商,资助十字军东征和对外征服 ambitious venturers, bankrolling crusades and conquests
被19世纪工业化的铁轮碾压 under the iron wheels of industrialisation in the 19th century
被20世纪的消费文化挤压 crushed by consumerculture in the 20th
卷土重来 stage a comeback
For a class of businessman that has been out of fashion for hundreds of years, the word merchant still has a ring to it. It conjures up medieval Europe, with its mercers, skinners, haberdashers, guilds and gold-buttoned liveries. It brings to mind ambitious venturers, bankrolling crusades and conquests, opening up spice routes and making history—for good and ill. It runs through literature and art, from Chaucer to Shakespeare to Holbein. Then it practically vanishes, first under the iron wheels of industrialisation in the 19th century, then crushed by consumer culture in the 20th. Until recently, the few merchants left sold only grain—or doom. Then came the e-commerce era. At last, merchants are staging a comeback.