CATTI是学英语人的一块试金石,平时都觉得自己英语学的还行,试过CATTI就知道自己是什么水平了。这里还是建议大家实践为主,因为翻译这种东西,经验和技巧太重要了。下面是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:宝光佛影 的内容,希望对你有所帮助!
On the summit of Mt. Emei, located in China's Sichuan Province, there is a precipice called the Cliff of Sacrifice. It is said that in ancient times many people sacrificed themselves by jumping from the cliff; hence the name.
The wonder of the Cliff of Sacrifice can be seen in the“Buddha's Halo”or “the Precious Light and Buddha's Image.” The Precious Light is a circle of seven coloured lights, and the Buddha's Image refers to one's own shadow in the circle. According to some Buddhists, those who have seen the Buddha's Halo will go to heaven and become immortal.
It is interesting to note that there is a similar “Buddha's Halo” which appears on Mt. Blogan in Germany. Instead of worshipping it, the Catholics there call it “the Ghost of Mt. Blogan”.
Upon further investigation it has been discovered that, the“Buddha's Halo”is just a natural phenomenon. A tourist once wrote in his diary: “There are waves of clouds under the Cliff of Sacrifice called Clouds Under the Sea. We kept waiting there and did not see the Precious Light until about three o'clock in the afternoon. It was a ring of seven colours, extremely beautiful. As the sun was setting, the Precious Light moved from the cliff to the valley. My own shadow came right into the centre of the circle and shifted with the Precious Light.”This record is an actual account of the Precious Light and Buddha's Image.
The air in the area of Mt. Emei is very damp. When the sun is setting, the mists and clouds, if there are any, form a huge natural screen. As the sunlight shines upon people from below, their giant shadows are cast onto this natural screen. This is how the Buddha's Image comes about.
Since the“Buddha's Halo”requires necessary natural conditions, not all those who have climbed up the Cliff of Sacrifice have seen the wonder. Therefore, Buddhists have attributed this wonderful spectacle to the glory of Buddha and the Buddhist deities.
以上就是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:宝光佛影 的内容,大家切记要经常动手翻译,坚持一段时间,一定会获益颇丰!