CATTI是学英语人的一块试金石,平时都觉得自己英语学的还行,试过CATTI就知道自己是什么水平了。这里还是建议大家实践为主,因为翻译这种东西,经验和技巧太重要了。下面是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:“赶下神坛” 的内容,希望对你有所帮助!
For centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution, Asia’s massively populous societies made the continent the world’s centre of economic gravity. Industrialisation in Europe and North America inthe 19th century briefly knocked it from its perch. But now their collective economic might, measured in real output on a purchasing-power-parity basis, is forecast to account for more than half of global production by 2020. Was the West’s period of dominance an anomaly, which could only ever have been short-lived? Is population destiny?
prior to 在…之前
the Industrial Revolution 工业革命
the world’s centre of economicgravity 世界经济的重心
be knocked off from one’s perch 赶下神坛
purchasing-power-parity (PPP) 购买力平价
be an anomaly 是一种反常现象
be short-lived 昙花一现
For centuries prior to the Industrial Revolution, Asia’s massively populous societies made the continent the world’s centre of economic gravity. Industrialisation in Europe and North America inthe 19th century briefly knocked it from its perch. But now their collective economic might, measured in real output on a purchasing-power-parity basis, is forecast to account for more than half of global production by 2020. Was the West’s period of dominance an anomaly, which could only ever have been short-lived? Is population destiny?
以上就是小编整理的关于CATTI二级笔译日常练习:“赶下神坛” 的内容,大家切记要经常动手翻译,坚持一段时间,一定会获益颇丰!