In most countries, the national animal is little more than a consequence of natural history or geography. Australia’s is the red kangaroo and South Africa’s is the springbok. Spain has the bull, while India venerates the Royal Bengal tiger. Canada celebrates the North American beaver, Russia the Eurasian brown bear. Indonesia? The Komodo dragon. Afghanistan? The snow leopard. Scotland? Well, theirs is more in keeping with a once-upon-a-time world.
be little more than 只不过是…
springbok 跳羚
Royal Bengal tiger 皇家孟加拉虎
North American beaver 北美海狸
Eurasian brown bear 欧亚棕熊
Komodo dragon 科莫多龙(世界上最巨大的蜥蜴)
在外人看来 To the outsider
让想象与现实之间的界限变得模糊 blur the boundaries between fantasy and reality
盾徽 coats of arms
脖子上戴着王冠,嘴里衔着皇家勋章 (unicorns),crowned at the throat and holding royal cartouches
透过21世纪的视角看待历史 read history through a 21st-Centurylens
独角兽 unicorn/enigmatic creature/ the horse-like quadrupeds
驯服独角兽 hold a unicorn captive
异想天开 fanciful thinking
木雕艺术家自学成才 self-taught woodcarver
他的作品令人叹为观止 His works are beyond staggering.
文化的重要组成部分 a major part of our national fabric
从一个完全不同的角度看待 see sth. in a whole different light
In most countries, the national animal is little more than a consequence of natural history or geography. Australia’s is the red kangaroo and South Africa’s is the springbok. Spain has the bull, while India venerates the Royal Bengal tiger. Canada celebrates the North American beaver, Russia the Eurasian brown bear. Indonesia? The Komodo dragon. Afghanistan? The snow leopard. Scotland? Well, theirs is more in keeping with a once-upon-a-time world.