1. 2003年的上海不再是一个怀旧的上海,在成功申办2010年世博会之后,现今的上海是一个生机勃勃、直冲向前的上海。那股子浸入骨髓的怀旧情绪也自然而然地化作了中国第一个真正意义上的国际化大都市的陪衬,它止于怀旧而致力于给更多的外来者提供梦想。与之相对的北京,经过了2001、2002 年的激情燃烧、城区也扩建到六环,此时此刻重温所剩不多的物质回忆自然也就在情理之中。
翻译:The Shanghai in 2003 is no longer a city with nothing but a good history. After it succeeded in winning the bidding for the holding of the Expo 2010, the Shanghai of today is a city full of vitality and well on its way ahead. The nostalgia (reminiscence) that used to sink in its residents has naturally become invisible here in Shanghai, now a real international city offering dreams for more and more immigrants. Comparatively, Beijing, enjoyed its prime time in the years 2001 and 2002 when its city proper was expanded until the 6th ring road. Given that, it is quite easy to understand why Beijing is rather nostalgic (reminiscent)about its prosperous past.
2. 有观点就必然有差异,即使是不同的声音在媒体中也都拥有了发表的空间(凤凰卫视的《时事辩论会》节目中,拥战派和反战派的嘉宾就吵得不亦乐乎)。这充分证明适当地拓广舆论空间,并不会打破一个社会的秩序和稳定。相反恰恰是在不同观点的冲撞中,使得公众得以从不同的角度接受信息、思考问题,而一种平衡的舆论机制正在潜移默化中自发形成。
翻译:The differences in opinions are something that can not be avoided. The mass media offers that area of argumentation (in Current Affairs sponsored by Phoenix Satellite Television Station, those for and against the war against Iraq had a heated debate.) By that, the practice of reasonably expanding the space for mass opinions was fully proved doing little harm to the social order and stability. Instead, the general public can get information and consider the situation in a comprehensive way because of the existence of large number of different ideas. As a result, a balanced mass opinion mechanism gradually comes into being.