1. Physicians in training must learn a staggering array of facts required by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, North America’s accrediting authority for medical schools.
(此句中North America’s accrediting authority for medical schools是the Liaison Committee on Medical Education的补充解释成分,信息价值最低;而本句中信息价值最高的部分在Physicians in training must learn a staggering array of facts,我们按照“低值信息在前,高值信息在后”的原则组织译文,读者觉得逻辑关系清晰、中心突出。)
2. Multitudes of bees used to bury themselves in the yellow blossoms of the summer squashes. This, too, was a deep satisfaction; although, when they had laden themselves with sweets, they flew away to some unknown hive, which could give back nothing in requital of what my garden had contributed.
(试比较:“在夏天,成群结队的蜜蜂则喜欢一头扎进黄色的南瓜花里。我也感到无比满意。当它们载满了蜜汁,便会飞到那些我无从知晓的巢穴中,不再对我花园的奉献作任何酬答。”我们发现,第一种译文强调的是“心满意足”,而第二种译文似乎在暗示读者这群蜜蜂只求索取,没有奉献。这是因为中国人往往采用“逐步进入高潮式”思维模式,最后一点常常是核心信息;而英美人往往采用“高潮出发式”思维模式,核心信息常常放在句首或句中,偶尔也放在句末。原文的核心信息或高值信息是This was a deep satisfaction,而although(尽管…)一词表面其后面部分的信息传递在发生转折,并且是对前面的补充说明,因而是低值信息。所以,按照“低值信息在前,高值信息在后”的原则,第一种译文准确地传达了原文的主题。)