Cai Meng/China Daily
I believe that we all share the same feeling that when it comes to international relations, each and every flip-flop will only lead to further depletion and squandering of a country's credibility and reputation.
depletion [di'pli:ʃən]:n. 损耗
squander [ˈskwɒndə]:v. 浪费
credibility : 可信性
The US' statement explicitly runs against the consensus it reached with the Chinese side in Washington D.C. not long ago. We urge the US to honor its words and meet China halfway in the spirit of our joint statement.
China always maintains that we should properly resolve and address relevant differences over economic and trade issues through equal-footed dialogue and consultations in a constructive manner. This serves the fundamental and long-term interests of our two countries and peoples, and meets the shared aspirations of the international community.
Once again, we don't want a trade war, but will never quail or recoil from a trade war. One move can always be countered by another. If the US is bent on having its own way, we will surely take firm and forceful measures to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests.
quail [kweɪl]:畏缩
recoil [rɪ'kɒɪl]:畏缩;后退
而外交部的官方译文也极为精彩,将“每一次变脸和出尔反尔”翻为“each and every flip-flop”。
❶ Flip-flop
Flip-flop这个词有多种意思,既可指啪嗒啪嗒的响声,也可指夹脚拖鞋,是个典型的拟声词(onomatopoeia [,ɒnə(ʊ)mætə'piːə])。
同时,flip-flop还可以指在观点、主意、态度、政策等方面突然来一个180度大转弯(a sudden or unexpected reversal, as of direction, belief, attitude, or policy),它经常被用来形容政客反复无常的嘴脸。
He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues.
The president's flip-flops on taxes made him appear indecisive.
Every flip-flop in international relations simply depletes a country’s credibility.
法新社(AFP)的译法是“every sudden flip-flop and contradiction”:
In international relations, every sudden flip-flop and contradiction of one's word depletes and squanders a country's credibility.
❷ U-turn
美联社(AP)还用了一个同样形象的词,U-turn ,即U形转弯,也是指政策、计划、行动等的180度大转弯:
Every flip-flop and U-turn of a country will be simply depleting and squandering its own credibility.
❸ about-face
About-face,其实就是军事口令中的“向后转”(act of pivoting 180°, especially in a military formation)。
其引申义为立场、态度、行为的大转变(a complete change in position, direction or attitude)。
美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)就将“变脸和出尔反尔”翻译成“an about-face or constant change of positions”(态度大转变或不停地改变立场):
In international relations, an about-face or constant change of positions is bound to damage or squander a country's credibility.
路透社(Reuters)的译法是“do an about-face and contradict oneself”(态度大转变或自相矛盾):
When it comes to international relations, every time a country does an about-face and contradicts itself, it's another blow to, and a squandering of, its reputation."
❹ go back on one's word
新华社的英文报道中则直截了当将变脸和出尔反尔翻译成“go back on one's word”,食言。
She said that in international relations, going back on one's word is a loss and squandering of the credibility of one's country.