Twitter Users Appeal to US Electoral College
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The members of the Electoral College will cast their votes to uphold November's presidential election on December 19. They are known as electors.
Their part in presidential elections is described in the U.S. Constitution and in the 12th Amendment to the Constitution.
Many people on Twitter are using the hashtag #EsteemedElectors in a last attempt to ask electors to vote for someone other than Donald Trump.
Actor Josh Gad wrote: "Have courage. Protect our democracy. This is your right and your duty."
演员乔什·盖德(Josh Gad)写道,“拿出勇气来,保卫我们的民主,这是你的权力和责任。”
Other actors, including Martin Sheen, who played the president on television, speak directly to Republican members of the Electoral College in a video. They say Donald Trump is not qualified to be president. They suggested that the electors choose a person who is qualified, and added that it does not have to be Hillary Clinton.
包括在电视上扮演总统的马丁·希恩(Martin Sheen)等其他演员在一则视频中直接对选举人团中的共和党成员发话称,川普没有资格成为总统。他们建议选举人挑选一位合格的人选,并补充说,这个人选不必就非得是希拉里。
Many Trump supporters are saying the Electoral College members should follow the wishes of the people in their state. One person asked: "How do we know #EsteemedElectors isn't a Russian operation to influence our election?"
The recent news that Russian hackers may have influenced the U.S. presidential election has raised concerns among many people. Some are saying the electors need more information before casting their votes.
One of those people is Virginia congressman Don Beyer.
弗吉尼亚州议员唐·贝尔(Don Beyer)就是这其中一位。
He said the Electoral College should delay its vote until its members can receive information from the Central Intelligence Agency about Russia's effect on the election.
Some electors sent an open letter to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for more details.
一些选举人向国家情报局局长詹姆斯·克莱普(James Clapper)发出公开信,要求获得更多细节。
They want to know if Russian interference is being investigated and whether the hackers were connected with the Trump campaign.
In most election years, the Electoral College votes are a routine part of the process. The people who vote usually follow the popular vote in their state.
This year, one elector has already said he will not follow his state's vote. That is Christopher Suprun of Texas. He wrote an opinion article in the New York Times recently explaining that he would not vote for Trump.
今年已经有一位选举人声称不会遵循他所在州的投票结果。这位就是德克萨斯州的克里斯托弗·苏普伦(Christopher Suprun)。他最近在纽约时报上撰写了一篇评论文章,吐露他不会投票给川普。
Suprun's lone vote against Trump will not make a difference in the results. If the remaining electors follow the wishes of their state, Trump will receive more than the required 270 votes.
And that's What's Trending Today.
I'm Dan Friedell.
This is What’s Trending Today.
The members of the Electoral College will cast their votes to uphold November’s presidential election on December 19. They are known as electors.
Their part in presidential elections is described in the U.S. Constitution
and in the 12th Amendment to the Constitution.
Many people on Twitter are using the hashtag #EsteemedElectors in a last attempt to ask electors to vote for someone other than Donald Trump.
Actor Josh Gad wrote: “Have courage. Protect our democracy. This is your right and your duty.”
Other actors, including Martin Sheen, who played the president on television, speak directly to Republican members of the Electoral College in a video. They say Donald Trump is not qualified to be president. They suggested that the electors choose a person who is qualified, and added that it does not have to be Hillary Clinton.
Many Trump supporters are saying the Electoral College members should follow the wishes of the people in their state. One person asked: “How do we know #EsteemedElectors isn’t a Russian operation to influence our election?”
The recent news that Russian hackers may have influenced the U.S. presidential election has raised concerns among many people. Some are saying the electors need more information before casting their votes.
One of those people is Virginia congressman Don Beyer.
He said the Electoral College should delay its vote until its members can receive information from the Central Intelligence Agency about Russia’s effect on the election.
Some electors sent an open letter to the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper asking for more details.
They want to know if Russian interference is being investigated and whether the hackers were connected with the Trump campaign.
In most election years, the Electoral College votes are a routine part of the process. The people who vote usually follow the popular vote in their state.
This year, one elector has already said he will not follow his state’s vote. That is Christopher Suprun of Texas. He wrote an opinion article in the New York Times recently explaining that he would not vote for Trump.
Suprun’s lone vote against Trump will not make a difference in the results. If the remaining electors follow the wishes of their state, Trump will receive more than the required 270 votes.
And that’s What’s Trending Today.
I’m Dan Friedell.
Words in This Story
uphold – v. to judge (a legal decision) to be correct : to decide not to change (a verdict)
esteem – n. respect and affection
courage – n. the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous
hacker – n. a person who secretly gets access to a computer system in order to get information, cause damage, etc. : a person who hacks into a computer system
routine – adj. done or happening as a normal part of a job, situation, or process