Iceland’s President Suggests Banning Pineapple on Pizza
This is What’s Trending Today.
The last time this many people were talking about Iceland was in June, when the small country’s soccer team defeated England in the Euro 2016 tournament.
People were talking about players like Sigurdsson and Sigthorsson, who each scored goals in the game.
人们谈论Sigurdsson 和Sigthorsson,他们在比赛中均射球得分。
Now, many people are talking about Johannesson. That is Gudni Johannesson, the President of Iceland.
Johannesson recently visited a high school. One of the students asked him what he thought about pineapple on pizza.
According to the Guardian newspaper, Johannesson answered questions on a range of topics, including his favorite soccer team. (Turns out it is Manchester United.)
He also said he was “fundamentally opposed” to pineapple on pizza. And he would ban it, if he could.
After the news of his opposition to pineapple made news around the world, he clarified his position on his Facebook page.
Johannesson wrote: “I like pineapples, just not on pizza.”
He then explained that he was glad he did not have the power to ban pineapples from pizza. He said he would not like to live in a country that allowed its president to pass laws just because he did not like something.
People are still talking about pineapple on pizza, however. They wrote messages on Johannesson’s Facebook page in both English and Icelandic.
One person wrote: “Thank you for saying out loud that pineapples shouldn’t be allowed on pizzas!”
Another wrote: “I love pineapple on pizza, but I applaud your attitude to government.”
And still another endorsed his support of Manchester United.
One radio program in Canada interviewed Sam Panopoulos. He is a Greek immigrant credited with adding pineapple to pizza.
加拿大的一个广播节目采访了Sam Panopoulos。他是一名希腊移民,他支持披萨添加菠萝作为配料。
He said in the 1950s and 1960s, nobody in Canada was eating very much pizza. And no one was mixing sweet and sour flavors.
Panopoulos said “it was plain, plain food.”
Panopoulos 说:这样的食物太素了,太素了!
But after he started putting pineapple on pizza, everything changed. Pizza became more interesting.
He sold pineapple pizza at his restaurant in Ontario, Canada for the next 40 or 45 years.
“You can put whatever you want on it, and everybody eats it,” he said.
Now, we can thank the President of Iceland for the lesson on the history of pineapples on pizza.
And that’s What’s Trending Today.
I’m Dan Friedell.
This is What’s Trending Today.
The last time this many people were talking about Iceland was in June, when the small country’s soccer team defeated England in the Euro 2016 tournament.
People were talking about players like Sigurdsson and Sigthorsson, who each scored goals in the game.
Now, many people are talking about Johannesson. That is Gudni Johannesson, the President of Iceland.
Johannesson recently visited a high school. One of the students asked him what he thought about pineapple on pizza.
According to the Guardian newspaper, Johannesson answered questions on a rangeof topics, including his favorite soccer team. (Turns out it is Manchester United.)
He also said he was “fundamentally opposed” to pineapple on pizza. And he would ban it, if he could.
After the news of his opposition to pineapple made news around the world, heclarified his position on his Facebook page.
Johannesson wrote: “I like pineapples, just not on pizza.”
He then explained that he was glad he did not have the power to ban pineapples from pizza. He said he would not like to live in a country that allowed its president to pass laws just because he did not like something.
People are still talking about pineapple on pizza, however. They wrote messages on Johannesson’s Facebook page in both English and Icelandic.
One person wrote: “Thank you for saying out loud that pineapples shouldn’t be allowed on pizzas!”
Another wrote: “I love pineapple on pizza, but I applaud your attitude to government.”
And still another endorsed his support of Manchester United.
One radio program in Canada interviewed Sam Panopoulos. He is a Greek immigrantcredited with adding pineapple to pizza.
He said in the 1950s and 1960s, nobody in Canada was eating very much pizza. And no one was mixing sweet and sour flavors.
Panopoulos said “it was plain, plain food.”
But after he started putting pineapple on pizza, everything changed. Pizza became more interesting.
He sold pineapple pizza at his restaurant in Ontario, Canada for the next 40 or 45 years.
“You can put whatever you want on it, and everybody eats it,” he said.
Now, we can thank the President of Iceland for the lesson on the history of pineapples on pizza.
And that’s What’s Trending Today.
I’m Dan Friedell.
Words in This Story
according to – prep. as stated, reported, or recorded by (someone or something)
range – n. a group or collection of different things or people that are usually similar in some way
topic – n. someone or something that people talk or write about
fundamentally – adv. at the most basic level
clarify – v. to make (something) clear or clearer
tournament – n. a sports competition or series of contests that involves many players or teams and that usually continues for at least several days
applaud – v. to express approval of or support for (something or someone)
endorse – v. to publicly or officially say that you support or approve of (someone or something)
plain – adj. not having any added or extra things
interview – n. a meeting between a reporter and another person in order to get information for a news story
credit – v. to say that (something) is because of someone or something