If she defines feminist criticism as objective and scientific – a valid, verifiable , intellectual method that anyone , whether man or woman , can perform – the definition not only precludes the critic-as-artist approach , but may also impede accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives of those who seek to change the academic establishment and its thinking , especially about sex roles.
主干: the definition not only precludes/but may also impede the critic-as-artist approach/accomplishment of the utilitarian political objectives
翻译: 假如她把女权主义文学评论定义为客观的和科学性的——一个有效的、可证实的、理性的、无论男女都可以使用的方法—那么, 这个定义不仅将排挤掉批评家作为艺术家的方法, 而且可能会阻碍那些寻求改变学术界的现状的及其思维, 特别是有关性别角色的思维的人们的实用主义的政治目标的成就。
1.that指代的是: :
A feminist criticism
B she
C method
2.impede的逻辑主语是: :
A feminist criticism
B Method
C Definition
3.its中的it指代的是: :
A feminist criticism
B The critic-as-artist approach
C The academic establishment
These questions are political in the sense that the debate over them will inevitably be less an exploration of abstract matters in a spirit of disinterested inquiry than an academic power struggle in which the careers and professional fortunes of many women scholars -only now entering the academic profession in substantial numbers -will be at stake , and with them the chances for a distinctive contribution to humanistic understanding, a contribution that might be an important influence against sexism in our society.
主干: These questions are political
翻译: 这些问题之所以带有政治性质, 因为可避免地, 围绕这些问题展开的急诊与其说是一种在客观冷静科研精神指导下对抽象问题的探索, 倒不如说是一种学术上的权力斗争。在此斗争中, 许多女学者中——只是在现在才开始以众多的人数进入学术界——的学术生涯和职业命运将处于存亡攸关的危急关头, 与她们相伴随的是对人文理解作出一种独特贡献的机遇, 这一贡献则很有可能成为消除我们社会中所存在的性别主义的一股重要影响。
1.与an academic power struggle并列的结构是:
A the debate
B An exploration of abstract matters
C A spirit of disinterested inquiry
2.will be的逻辑主语是:
A the careers and professional fortunes
B Many women scholars
C The academic profession
A these questions
B Abstract matters
C The careers and professional fortunes
4.influence的逻辑主语是: :
A 划线的第二个them
B The chances
C A contribution