So that's three of our delicious homemade cupcakes. 就要三个美味的自制小蛋糕,对吧
Nope, can't. You touched them. Sorry, flu season, no health care. 别给我,你们都摸过了。抱歉,流感季节,我没医保
You realized I replaced that purell with K.Y., right? 知道你的净手液被我换成润滑油了吧
Max, please say you're kidding. 麦克斯,你是开玩笑的对吧
Of course, I'm kidding. I can't afford lube. I just use my tears. 废话,我逗你玩呢。我买不起润滑油,唯有以眼泪润滑
Max, seriously, don't mess with my hand sanitizer. 麦克斯,你可千万别乱搞我的净手液
I've already caught poverty this year and I refuse to catch the flu. 我今年已经被贫穷缠上了,我可不想再染上流感
I just have to keep cleaning my hands and not touch anyone. 我只能勤擦洗手液,避免任何肢体接触
Caroline, I have check from table ten. 卡洛琳,这是十号桌的账单
Okay, just place it right there. That's a big tip... 好,放这儿就行。小费给得真多啊...
You know, in Indonesia, you'd be married now. 在印尼,你们这样就得结婚了