I did not spend long in Blefuscu.Only three days after myarrival,I noticed a boat in the sea,near the beach.It was areal boat,large enough for me.Perhaps it had been driventhere by a storm.I swam out to it and tied ropes toit.Then,with the help of twenty of Blefuscu's ships and threethousand sailors,I pulled it on to the beach.
It was not badly damaged,and it was exciting to be able to start planning my journey back toEngland and my home.During this time,the King of Lilliput had written to ask the King ofBlefuscu to send me back, as a prisoner,so that I could receive my punishment.
The King of Blefuscu,however,replied that I was too strong to be taken prisoner,and that Iwould soon be returning to my country anyway.Secretly he invited me to stay and help him inBlefuscu,but I no longer believed in the promises of kings or their officials, so I politelyrefused.
I was now impatient to start my voyage home,and the King ordered his workmen to repair theboat and prepare everything I needed.I had the meat of one hundred cattle and three hundredsheep to eat on the journey,and I also had some live animals to show to my friends inEngland.
About one month later,I left Blefuscu,on September 24th,1701.The King,the Queen andtheir lords and ladies all came down to the beach to wave goodbye.